Thursday Warm Up 1. The Torah is the holy book of which religion? 2. What countries border France? 3. What empire was located in India in 1500? 4. Which religions began in India? 5. What is the major difference between Judaism & Christianity?
Renaissance Begins in Italy in 1350 Intellectual and artistic movement that marks the beginning of the modern world.
Leonardo da Vinci ‘Vitruvian Man’ Leonardo da Vinci-Analysis of proportion Emphasis on the mathematical division of the body-emphasis on the face and genitals.
The Renaissance “Rebirth” of classical knowledge. Rome-past greatness with Roman empire Statue on the left is from the 1st century B.C. Statue on the right is from 1500 Both called “spinario which means thorn-puller
Humanism Idea that human beings are capable of excellence through their OWN work. Caused conflict with the church Humanities: grammar, history, poetry-the study of people & their accomplishments
Secularism Things that are “of the world” Living in this world without regard to the next world YOLO
Artists Painters, Sculptors…& ninja turtles
Ninja Turtles or Renaissance Artists? Leonardo (1425-1519) Raphael (1483-1520) Michelangelo (1475-1564) Donatello (1386-1466) Leonardo-blue Michelangelo-orange Donatello-purple Raphael-red
Raphael “The School of Athens”
Michelangelo Statue of David Ceiling of Sistine Chapel
Donatello Statue of David
Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa The Last Supper
Shakespeare Writer of plays, sonnets & essays
Erasmus-author, humanist Author of In Praise of Folly Satire-meant to be funny but purpose is social criticism
Lady with an Ermine Leonardo da Vinci- Debate over the animal…some insist it’s a ferret. Popular because of the beauty of the girl and her purity which shows in the picture. Demure.
Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Jan Van Eyck –artist In the picture: an Italian merchant and his wife. On the bench is a carving of St. Margaret-patron of childbirth Tiny reflection of the artist in the mirror……Latin inscription says Van Eyck was here in 1434 Some historians say this serves as a sort of marriage certificate God’s presence symbolized by the lit candle in the chandelier
The Girl With the Pearl Earring
Pieta Michelangelo-the virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus-means pity or compassion His last work was another Pieta
The Birth of Venus Venus-born out of the froth erupting from Saturn’s severed genitals comes to Cyprus in a shell. She is blown there by the west wind shown to the left here and a figure representing spring (to the right) is dressing Venus with flowers. Covering herself shows her natural modesty. Her pose is inspired by the Roman sculpture of her ……Sandro Botticelli
Tognina Gonzales Female artist: Lavina Fontana popular for her portraits of women Suffered from Hypertrichosis-she and her family were famous for it
House of Medici Rulers in Italy & patrons of the arts, Credited with funding the Renaissance
Politics Humanists believed rulers should be virtuous A virtuous ruler would be loved and obeyed
Exit Slip 1. What is one difference between medieval art & Renaissance art? 2. Who created the statue of David? 3. Who painted the Mona Lisa? 4. What type of ruler does Machiavelli believe a king should be? 5. What is humanism? 6. Where did the Renaissance begin?