Section 4.3-Natural Resources Get out a piece of paper for 4.3 notes and write the Big Idea below. Section 4.3-Natural Resources Big Idea: Natural resources we use on a daily basis and can either be renewed or not.
Soil and Forests Resource-any physical material that makes up part of the Earth and that people need /value. Renewable/Nonrenewable
Soil Horizon Why do dry areas with less rain have more minerals in the soil that places with more rain? Leaching (caused by rainwater) is the downward movement of minerals and humus in soils Soil is a natural material that includes rocky and organic mater (sediment and animals/plant remains) that is why it is a renewable resource. Soil is different from place to place because of the animals and minerals in different areas. Compare here to Oklahoma. Answer to question- limited leaching so minerals can build up.
Why do dry areas with less rain have more minerals in the soil that places with more rain? Sustaining Soil Resources Contour Plowing -plowing land across field to reduce slope and thus erosion Crop rotation- changing the crops planted in and area Irrigation works in arid places but can = soil salinization…salt from the water built up over time
What steps have been taken to replenish and prevent deforestation? Forests Reduce erosion, provided habitats and resources Deforestation-destruction or loss of forests Reforestation-replanting of trees Answer to question- reforestation
What are major causes of air pollution? Chemicals in air mix with sunlight to create smog…Los Angeles and Mexico City Acid Rain – chemical combine with water vapor-ruins lakes, trees and buildings Air pollution can hurt the ozone layer Water Controlled by dams, canals, reservoirs and aqueducts Accessed –wells- tapping into aquifers (layers of rock were water is plentiful) Fossil water is desert water that is underground from thousands of years ago Video of aqueducts 1:55 min California aqueduct 10 min
Minerals are solid substances that come out of the ground Mineral Resources Minerals are solid substances that come out of the ground Usage Used to build, make metals, glass… Mines Ore is removed and substance is removed from rock at alternate location Some minerals are plentiful…others are rare Examples of mineral resources are metals, rocks, salt Can be used for jewelry, building,alumninum,
Fossil fuels-nonrenewable-coal, natural gas, petroleum Energy Resources Fossil fuels-nonrenewable-coal, natural gas, petroleum from remains of ancient plants and animals over millions of years Coal is old but effective and plentiful Coal pollutes coal makes dyes Petroleum (oil) accessed by drilling-make gasoline, diesel and heating fuel, asphalt, other fuels, explosives, food additives, medicines, pesticides and plastics but given artificial smell for detection-heat homes Uranium-nuclear plants don’t pollute air but produce radioactive waste some of our most important resources are sources of energy which are usually nonrenewable. Coal use to be used in stl but sometimes the pollutions was so bad it made it look almost night outside. Show picture Beijing china from coal
Alternative Energy Resources Hydroelectric Power-electricity produced by moving water Dams hold water back, then allow it to run through small openings =power …10% of U.S. energy Windmills…wind turbines Geothermal Energy-heat of the Earth’s interior, plants built in places near volcanoes and hot springs Solar Energy-energy of the sun