Risk Factors for Injuries in Western Asia Adnan A. Hyder, MD MPH PhD International Injury Research Unit Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
The Disease Causation Model Microorganism Environment Vector Infectious disease model Host
Injury Causation Model Microorganism Environment Vector Infectious disease model Injury model Energy Environment Host Vector or Vehicle Host
Risks for road injuries
Road traffic fatalities are predicted to increase by 67% by the year 2020
Risks for Road Traffic Injuries… Exposure: Mode of travel Poverty Road design Crash: Speed Alcohol/drugs Vulnerability Injury Severity Speed Lack of restraints Lack of helmets Outcome EMS Quality of care Timeliness
Risks for Child Injuries Poisoning Falls Road Traffic Drowning
% of those <14y vehicle occupants who died and were found to have used safety restraints? = Zero (0%) % of those 10-14y traffic victims who were driving? = 24% The lack of known safety interventions is a RISK for injuries! 8 Example of Risk Factors from UAE: Source: UAE University, 2008
Homes & Childhood Poisoning Household chemicals (poisons) – cleaners, medicines, kerosene – within easy reach of children
Schools and Playground Falls Millions of children get injured during daily life At school, falls during play and in play grounds are common
Risks for Road Traffic Injuries
Rural Areas & Risks for Drowning PondDitch Canal Submerged paddy field
13 Ghantoot Car Crash, March 2008 – 5 killed, 277 injured Risk factors for injuries are both predictable and preventable!
Adnan A. Hyder From: International Injury Research Unit, Johns Hopkins Univ. Thank you!