How YNPN Triangle NC used Crowdfunding to Pay for its 501(c)(3) Application Fee Presented by: Ryan Miller Executive Director NC Building Performance Association YNPN Triangle NC Board Vice-Chair
About YNPN Triangle NC
Chapter for Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill area of North Carolina Volunteer Board of Directors (12) Around 1,200 “members” Host networking and professional development events
The Starting Point 1.Fundraising options limited due to lack of 501(c)(3) status. 2.$500 needed for application cost. 3.YNPN Triangle NC has no money! 4.Previous fundraising efforts involved a jar at networking happy hours.
The Opportunity 1.Ask our members to pitch in a little money in return for the services and benefits they have received. 2.Create a social media campaign to drive $5 - $10 donations. 3.Pay for 501(c)(3) application fee in order to raise funds.
The Donation Platform
The Donation Request Thursday, July 31 st, 2014
The Responses
The Result Wednesday, August 6 th, 2014
The Best Result Saturday, February 21, 2015
Keys to Success 1.Clear funding need to yield additional membership benefits 2.Highly supportive membership base willing to “pay back” their benefits 3.Social media and communications campaign with the right messaging 4.Easy-to-use platform for donating