What is Alcohol Alcohol – Drug created by a chemical reaction in some foods, especially fruits and grains Most commonly used drug in this country Average age for taking first drink is 13
Why Do Teens Begin to Drink Relieve stress Escape from problems Peer pressure
Effects of Alcohol on the Body
Brain Short term effects – Reaches brain almost immediately Impairs judgment, reasoning, memory and concentration Reaction time is slowed Coordination decreases, speech is slurred Vision and hearing are distorted Ability to desire to control behavior decreases
Brain Long term effects – Brain damage Nervous disorders Memory loss
Blood Vessels Short term – Vessels enlarge, bringing blood closer to skin and creating false sense of warmth
Blood Vessels Long term – High blood pressure, Stroke
Liver Short term effects – Liver poisoning
Liver Long term effects – Cirrhosis- scarring and destruction of liver tissue Liver cancer
Heart Short Term effects – Heart and pulse rate increases Long term effects – irregular heart beats and damage to heart muscle
Stomach Short term – Vomiting, if unconscious could lead to choking Long term – ulcers, open sores, stomach cancer
Effects of Drinking 12 oz. Beer 4 oz. Wine 1.5 oz. liquor ALL CONTAIN ABOUT SAME AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL
Effects of Drinking Size and Gender – Females tolerate a smaller amount of alcohol than males Usually because they weigh less Food in the stomach – Food in stomach slows the process of alcohol absorbtion but does not stop effect
Effects of Drinking How fast person drinks – Gulping down a drink raises the alcohol level in the blood because body has less time to process it Other substances in the body – Drinking while using other drugs may be fatal or have severe effects
Alcoholism Illness caused by a physical an mental need for alcohol Unable to limit the amount of alcohol they drink Drink increasing amount and become drunk often Place drinking ahead of other activities
Alcoholism Drinks alone Experiences blackouts and cannot remember what was done while drinking Personality changes Makes excuses for drinking, promises to quit or drink less Refuses to admit they have problem