Limerick Competition A limerick is a fun, comic type of poem. There was an old man with a beard, Who said, ‘It’s just as I feared – Two owls and a hen, Four larks and a wren, Have all built their nests in my beard. There once was a girl from Pinner, Who ate spiders with chips for her dinner. They were tricky to catch, She was really no match, And by Christmas was very much thinner.
Limerick Competition Limericks are usually five lines in length. Limericks normally have a rhyme scheme of a,a,b,b,a and follow a regular rhythm. Limericks often begin with similar lines such as: There once was a man from… There was a young lady from… There is a sing-song quality to limericks that make them suitable for light- hearted, funny ideas.
Limerick Competition Here are some starters you might try: There was a young man from Dundee … A young student who truanted school … A teacher who didn’t like teaching … Or you could write a limerick about a celebrity!
Limerick Competition Competition to submit Limericks starts Tuesday 8 th March. All Limericks must be submitted to your Staff House Leader by end of the day on Wednesday 16 th March. These can be on paper or via . 2 house points awarded for participation by each student and staff. Red Nose Day themed prizes and certificates for best entries to be awarded on Friday 18 th March Students Prizes for Best Limerick Best Presented / Illustrated Limerick Best Red Nose Themed Limerick Also a prize for Best Limerick written by a member of the Academy Staff.