Enterprise Competition
What is the UB Enterprise Competition? 3 page business plan 3 minute pitch 3,000 Euro
Why enter the competition? Easiest enterprise competition It’s fun (especially if you win) Fantastic experience Great opportunity to further your idea
How to win A creative idea with excellent execution Originality Market Feasibility Financial viability Delivery (business plan and pitch)
The Business Plan 3 pages – minimum size 12 font Executive Summary Core Product/Service Marketing Operations Financials Appendix max of 3 pages
How to Submit the plan enterprise_competitionhttp://younoodle.com/groups/ulster_bank_ enterprise_competition Click “join group” Click “submit entry” Deadline – January 16 th 21:00
Rules Each competition entry must be comprised of Trinity College Dublin undergraduates registered for the 2008/9 academic year. The competition is open to all faculties. Students may be enter either as individuals or on a team-basis (cross-functional teams are encouraged) with a maximum of 3 students per team. Each entry must have a declaration stating that the content has been originally created by the person(s) on the team. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in expulsion from the competition. The judges' decision is final. Finalists may update their business plan following feedback and advice from judges. The competition is not limited to certain types of ideas e.g. technologically based and all sectors are eligible.
Meet the Judges Dr. Eoin O’ Neill TCD Director of Entrepreneurship Dr. Mary Keating TCD Business School Alan Foy Venture Wave Learning Paul Kelly Ulster Bank Dylan Collins Omac Industries Peter Sheridan Enterprise Ireland