Who can participate? All SJSU Students –Individuals or in teams –As part of a class project, student club, or extracurricular activity Students can submit more than one entry SJSU Alumni, Faculty & Staff Students from other universities!!
Why participate? Win cash and in-kind prizes Improve communication and presentation skills Get feedback on ideas for new products and services Meet students from other disciplines to help turn ideas into a reality Network with entrepreneurs and business professionals Secure industry mentors to develop the idea into a business plan Enter Business Plan into the SVCE’s Business Plan Competition in Spring 2015:
What is an ‘Innovation’ ? Any practical idea or concept that can change the world for the better A new product, process or service, or simply a new application of existing technology Something creative or innovative in some way, but not necessarily radical For example, a new approach to implement a standard computer program would fit, if it created new benefits
How to submit your innovation? Read about the SVIC: Register to participate and submit your entry: Submission Deadline: Midnight, November 1, 2014
How to present your innovation? A poster board display at a minimum Perhaps supplemented by a model or prototype, and/or a computer display
What to compete in? There are TWO main Competition areas: –Best Innovative Idea All submissions are automatically entered for this competition Judged on quality of poster board exhibit & supporting display (if any) –Best Elevator Pitch 2-minutes oral presentation –Other Special Category Awards E.g., social innovation, sponsored awards
How to sign-up? Register on-line at Campsite.org: Submission deadline: November 1, 2014
SVIC Timeline Important datesEvents Start of semesterSVIC info distribution to classes End of AugustRegistration opens TBD: OctoberSilicon Valley Innovation TBD:Speaker events on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Nov. 1, midnightDeadline for SVIC registration and project submission Nov. 12Notification to Finalists of Selection for Exhibit Nov. 19Exhibit and Elevator pitch contest TBD: DecemberSVIC Networking
Ways for Faculty to encourage student participation Inform your students about the SVIC and highlight the reasons and opportunities to participate Include the SVIC project in your syllabus Include a link to the SVIC website on your faculty page Publicize speaker events in your class or syllabus Schedule a short presentation in your class by an SVIC volunteer Give extra credit for attending speaker events and participating in the SVIC Take your students to visit the SVIC on November 19
For More Information Contact Dr. William Nance, Director, SVIC or The Silicon Valley Innovation is a university- wide initiative, hosted by the Silicon Valley Center for Entrepreneurship: