Susan Harwood Training Grant Program – FY2010 Grants U.S. Department of Labor OSHA Directorate of Training and Education Presenter: Cathy Cronin Director, Office of Training and Educational Development
Grant Program Background Based on annual funding, OSHA holds an annual national competition for grants Grants are awarded to nonprofit organizations on a competitive basis Grant funds are provided for programs to train workers and employers to recognize, avoid, abate, and prevent safety and health hazards in their workplaces and to provide related assistance OSHA selects the safety and health topics for each grant competition 1978 OSHA begins awarding grants program renamed in honor of Susan Harwood 2
Grant Program: Six Areas of Training 1.Education on worker rights & employer responsibilities under the OSH Act 2.Educating workers and employers in small businesses (250 or fewer workers) 3.Training workers and employers about new OSHA standards 4.Training at-risk worker populations 5.Training workers and employers about high risk activities identified by OSHA or as a part of an OSHA special emphasis program 6.Providing technical assistance to employers and workers 3
Target Training Audiences Small and new businesses Non-English speaking/limited English proficiency, non-literate and low literacy workers Young workers Immigrant and minority workers Other hard-to-reach workers Workers in high-hazard industries and industries with high fatality rates 4
2010 Grant Solicitation $ million available for Harwood grants OSHA anticipates publishing two Federal Register Notices announcing grant solicitations for: – Capacity Building grants – Targeted Topic training grants Solicitations will be posted in the next couple of months Applicants will have approximately 4 weeks to submit an application All grants will be awarded by September 30,
Who is Eligible for a Grant? Nonprofit organizations that are not an agency of state or local government are eligible, including: – Labor organizations – Employer and trade associations – Educational institutions – Other nonprofit organizations, including community and faith-based organizations – State or local government-supported institutions of higher education are eligible to apply 6
Tips on “How to Apply” at Organization registration is required and is one part of a five-step process Registration is a one-time process, which is required before representatives of an organization can submit grant application packages electronically through The registration process can take three to five business days or one to three weeks depending on your organization and if all steps are met in a timely manner 7
Organization Registration: 5 Steps STEP 1 Obtain a Data Universal Number (DUNS) STEP 2 Register your organization with the Central Contractor Registration, a government-wide registry for vendors doing business w/government STEP 3 Create an account in the system to obtain a username and password STEP 4 An individual within your organization must register as the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) with will be approved by E-Biz POC STEP 5 Track AOR status Online Tutorial 8
Apply Online at Download application package Complete application package offline Upload to submit the Completed Grant Application Package 9
Tips: Grant Writing Strategy 10 WHO? Qualifications of your organization Needs of your target audience WHO? Qualifications of your organization Needs of your target audience WHAT? Detailed work plan Address all evaluation criteria Use OSHA Dictionaries for developing materials in Spanish Apply adult learning principles Emphasize results WHAT? Detailed work plan Address all evaluation criteria Use OSHA Dictionaries for developing materials in Spanish Apply adult learning principles Emphasize results WHERE? Local, regional or national in scope WHERE? Local, regional or national in scope HOW MUCH? Describe your systems Admin costs cannot be more than 25% of cost Budget your work plan Watch for ‘unallowable costs’ HOW MUCH? Describe your systems Admin costs cannot be more than 25% of cost Budget your work plan Watch for ‘unallowable costs’ WHY? Topic area was chosen including unmet need you will address and Hazards/barriers that workers face WHY? Topic area was chosen including unmet need you will address and Hazards/barriers that workers face
Screen Shot: Grantee Materials Website 11
Additional Information “Helpful Tips” PowerPoint TM – Available on Susan Harwood Webpage – Contact: Jim Barnes Director, OSHA Office of Training and Educational Programs Phone: