Template for the Application to present at MoneyTalks Tallinn C ompany name - One Sentence Elevator Pitch Please submit your slides to
Challenge – Market Opportunity A clear description on a challenge existing in the market What is the problem? Who is the customer How tough is the competition? How big is the market and what is your share?
Solution – Your Product Solution overview focused on functionality What is it and what does it do? Clear customer value proposal Competitive Advantage Why is your solution better than the competition´s? What IP do you have & how solid is it? What value does it create – and how much?
Business Model Revenue Model Revenue logic description Who do you sell to and how much do they pay?
Your Team – Your Company Management team, advisors, board members Who will lead and who will sell? Who has a track record? Who are your mentors and backers? Revenues Previous financing rounds
The Investment How much money are you looking for? How will you use the money? When & how do investors get their ROI / exit? Why should your company be chosen to present?