Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Greetings! Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA The Challenges of HEALTH LITERACY in Asia and the Pacific: “Where do we stand?” Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
One of the Highest Literacy Rate in Developing Countries: 93.4% Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
of health literacy throughout What are the PRESENT LEVELS of health literacy throughout Asia-Pacific? Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Which health literacy in the region? MEASUREMENT TOOLS are available for measurement of health literacy in the region? Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA 1. Word Recognition Test: REALM Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine 2.Reading Comprehension Test: TOFHLA Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults Under Research: Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
How can health literacy Be IMPROVED and ACHIEVE HEALTH GAINS? Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Formula 1(F1) for Health 1) Financing, 2) Service Delivery, 3) Regulation, and 4) Governance, Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Prevention and Control TUBERCULOSIS Prevention and Control Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Garantisadong Pambata (9 Ways to Save Children) Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA HEALTHY LIFESTYLE To the MAX > NO SMOKING (Huwag Manigarilyo) > DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL (Iwas Alak) > NO TO ILLEGAL DRUGS (Talo Ka sa Droga) > EAT LOW-FAT, LOW SALT, HIGH FIBER DIET (Wastong Pagkain) > PREVENT HYPERTENSION (Bantay Presyon) > DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (Katawang Aktibo) > MANAGE STRESS (Bawas Stress) Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Cancer Control Program Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Food Fortification (Micronutrients) Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Prevention and Control MALARIA Prevention and Control Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Prevention & Control Program National AIDS-STI Prevention & Control Program Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Immunization Campaign MEASLES Immunization Campaign Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA MOTHER & CHILD Health Promo Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Management & Operations DRUG TESTING Management & Operations Information System Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
UNIFIED Health Management Information System * an integrated system solution of data collection and utilization * for efficient and effective use of evidence-based health information * for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. * The system provides reliable, accurate and timely information. Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA DISASTER & EMERGENCY Management Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Medical Tourism Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Sentrong Sigla Seal of Quality in Health HEALTH PROMOTION and Continuous Quality Improvement in Health care HEALTH PROMOTION and DISEASE PREVENTION & CONTROL Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
National Objectives for Health 2005 – 2010 “roadmap” for Key ideas, targets, indicators, strategies A PARTNERSHIP between: Policy makers Program Planners Program Managers Service Providers Local Government Executives Development Partners The Academe Civil Society Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Flow Of Information DESSIMINATION Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Office of the President ↓ Department ↔ Department ↔ Department National Government Office of the President ↓ Department ↔ Department ↔ Department Of Of Of Education Health Finance Medical Centers Health Centers Barangay Health Units → People Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA MULTIMEDIA Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA How does this EVIDENCE of SUCCESS inform Policy Development and Practice in the region? Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA “HEALTH For ALL Filipinos Then The WORLD” Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
key messages for scaling up EFFECTIVE HEALTH LITERACY INTERVENTIONS What are the key messages for scaling up EFFECTIVE HEALTH LITERACY INTERVENTIONS for health gains? Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Health Literacy Program Comprehensive Health Literacy Program Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Demand Side - HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Skill Side - INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Development of Health Literacy Skills 1.Health care access and navigation 2. Chronic disease management 3. Disease prevention and screening Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Health Literacy is most effective when addressed by us through families, communities and schools * Action and motivation * Development of preventive health practices * Opportunities to access and evaluate information * Practice health promoting and risk-eliminating/reducing behaviors Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Improving health literacy necessitates: Effective communication skills of health care providers 2. Efforts to enhance patient-physician communications especially among disadvantaged populations Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA 3. Interventions: a) Make written health information easier to Understand b) Access health literacy organizations/programs c) Provide literacy education computer-assisted instructions d)Traditional text-based instructions, self-paced study materials and multimedia Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Improved health literacy equates with: better knowledge self efficacy and self-care behavior optimal use of preventive health services Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Less use of emergency department Decreased hospitalization Better compliance rates Healthy Living Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA lesser mortality rates cultural competence lesser health disparities leading to success in achieving life’s goals. Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Local Initiatives Global Unity Partnership & Commitment Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA * Everybody should be RESPONSIBLE * NO responsibility without AUTHORITY * GOOD GOVERNANCE is therefore ESSENTIAL Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA “Healthy people learn better…. Effective health literacy interventions help improve people’s health... Improved people’s health makes more productive citizens…. More productive citizens contribute to a more productive country…. A more productive country makes a more progressive world…. and A more progressive world gives us a better place to live in!” Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA From the PHILIPPINES…. Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA
Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA EVERYONE ! Assistant Secretary Elmer G. Punzalan, MD, FICS, MHA, MHSA Department of Health PHILIPPINES