PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST1 PACS FM Tests at Integrated Satellite Level H. Feuchtgruber with inputs from the PACS Operations Team: D. Cesarsky, H. Dannerbauer, T. Müller, P. Royer, B. Vandenbussche, R. Vavrek
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST2 Baseline Documents IID-A & IID-B HP-2-ASED-PL-0031, Issue 2, 3-Sep-04, “Instrument Testing on PLM PFM and Satellite Level” HP-2-ASED-TN-0115, Issue 1, 1-Feb-05, “Thermal Environment for Instrument Testing on Ground” SCI-PT-12759, issue 3, 2-Jun-04, “Reference Mission Scenario” Set of Straylight related documentation PACS-ME-TP-021, Issue 1.1, 6-Sep-05, “PACS Integrated Module Test Procedure” PACS-ME-TP-017, Issue 1.3, 17-Nov-05, “PACS Short Functional Test Warm & Cold” PACS-ME-TP-016, Issue 1.3, 19-May-05, “Test Procedure for PACS WE Tests with PACS EGSE and CCS”
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST3 FM Test Flow Contains IST3
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST4
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST5 IST relevant changes EQM PFM Power supplies are flight standard (in-rush current, consumption) Redundancy (increased test volume) Complete Ge:Ga and Bolometer detector arrays, new generation of FEEs (increased number of commands longer test durations) Detector Heater & Flasher for Ge:Ga Curing (additional tests) Larger grating angle range (slightly longer test durations) Larger chopper angle range (slightly longer test durations) Filter wheel SPEC (additional tests, longer test durations) New generation of OBSW for DPU, SPU-S, SPU-L and DMC New DPU boot software New MIB (new commands, changed HK packet contents, x2 for redundancy) Lessons learnt:- improved background measurements - improved thermal behaviour tests - general test script adaptations
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST6 IST Relation to ILT & Commissioning At present: The starting point for all test definitions are the activities carried out during PACS CQM ILT and EQM IMT. Changes to the EQM IMT program are due to FM hardware/software differences and lessons learnt. The final versions of the tests will be for the first time run in FM ILT: (1)SFT warm, HeI, HeII (2)FFT, SPT-SPEC, SPT-PHOT (3)AOT tests (4)Redundant PACS instrument performances (as far as time allows) (5)Parallel mode: PACS part only (6)PACS ILT specific test/calibration programme (ILT only) Activities (1)-(5) to be carried out at all test phases (ILT, IST1, TV/TB, IST2, IST3) and finally in flight. The test sequences will allow to judge about the health of the instrument and its sub-systems and whether ILT functional performances are preserved (i.e. we do not attempt to make absolute measurements, but only relative ones)
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST7 Differences and Notes with respect to ILT During ILT we will not run the test via a MTL (we may encounter TC timing or synchronisation problems) All provided test durations hereafter are expressed as execution time in the terminology of CUS “modes” (not “obs” !!) From EQM IMT experience we need to take into account also (TBD) overheads. Running a test entirely from the MTL will require some more thoughts on how to arrange for a suitable “near real time analysis” (if any ?) and properly tested command sequences. We have to learn how to handle (i.e. process and analyse) a SSMM dump
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST8 Top Level Structure of IST UFT: Basic warm electronics test prior to connection to the FPU SFT warm, HeI and HeII: Basic verification of all PACS subsystems after each significant integration/handling step. IST Commissioning: “This sequence shall verify the ability to the instrument commissioning and performance verification operations” IST Reference Mission Scenario: “The objective of this sequence is to exercise 48h of representative operations, including the non visibility phase. This especially comprises the scientific instrument operations.” IST Special Performance Test: “Comprises all remaining test.” EMC Tests: Conducted Emission (most noisy mode), Radiated Emission (most noisy mode), Radiated Susceptibility (most sensitive mode) TV/TB Tests: Reduced IST test program PACS/SPIRE parallel mode tests: part of IST Commisioning
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST9 FM IST Cryostat Environment Closed ! (drifting) Tilt may affect Red Ge:Ga strap Full
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST10 FM TV/TB Cryostat Environment Empty Tilt may affect Red Ge:Ga strap
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST11 In-Flight Cryostat Environment Empty
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST12 Overview of PACS Unit Functional Tests Configuration: - PACS warm electronics mounted SVM panel - WIH connected - Electrical checks done as part of the integration procedure (a) with I-EGSE (28V power, CDMS sim., OBT sim.) (b) with CCS Test procedure PACS-ME-TP-016, issue 1.4: - Switch-on - Simulated Spectroscopy mode (DMC ramp simulation) - Simulated Photometry mode (BOLC test pattern) - Switch-off
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST13 Overview of PACS Short Functional Tests SFT warm, HeI, He II (nominal) : Duration ~1.2h each SFT warm, HeI, HeII (redundant) : Duration ~1.2h each Contents: (differences warm - HeI - HeII just in some parameter values) - Switch-on ( = OFF – SAFE transition) - Basic chopper moves - Optional launch-lock open / close steps - Open loop / closed loop simple grating moves - Calibration sources, simple check (no stabilisation) - Heater/Flashers: simple check of currents (new) - Filter wheel Phot: 3 full turns - Filter wheel Spec: 3 full turns - T- Sensors: plausibility check - Ge:Ga detector chain: mainly dummy resistor check - Cooler: check if heater currents can be applied (T-response) - Bolometer detector chain: bias staircase pattern - Switch-off
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST14 IST Commissioning: PACS Full Functional Test (FFT) at HeII conditions: total time: ~10.6h Contents:- Switch-on (OFF – SAFE Transition)0.1h - Memory Management Test 0.1h - SetupSpectroscopyCSoff (+Llock open)0.3h - Grating Test0.2h - Thermal behaviour SPEC~1.5h - Ge:Ga heater0.3h - Ge:Ga flasher0.25h - SetupSpectroscopy, FW SPEC, data rates ~2h? < and background adjustment - Chopper full FoV move0.3h - Medium sampling grating scan(2 filters)1.0h - Cooler recycling2.2h - Thermal behaviour PHOT~1.5h - SetupPhotometry, FW PHOT, data rates0.6h - Bolometers saturation check0.1h - Switch-off Some inter-step dependencies
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST15 IST Commissioning: PACS/SPIRE Parallel Repeat same procedure as for EQM IMT (PACS-ME-TP-024, issue 1.2, 3-Nov-05) Total execution time: ~6.75 h Content (PACS part): - Shifted cooler recycling - Setup photometry - Single band photometry AOT (red channel only) - Dual band photometry AOT (red + double reduced blue channel) Status of scripts and procedure for IST: - SPIRE part requires slight updates - PACS part requires slight updates - No simultaneous CUS scripts possible yet!, but … Precise definition of parallel mode as “4 th Instrument” in progress
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST16 IST Reference Mission Scenario: PACS
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST17 IST Special Performance Test: PACS SPT at HeII, SPEC: total time: ~8.4h Contents:- Ge:Ga dark currents on internal CSs (cold)0.65h - Grating performance test (full diagnostic0.55h monitoring, exploration of stepping performances on full accessible range) - Chopper performance test (duty cycle at0.2h different frequencies, OBCP sync.) - Emissivity of internal CSs (2.3)0.75h - Quick Wavelength check0.3h - Grating RSRF3.1h - S/N as function of reset interval0.25h - Different bias settings for Ge:Ga detectors0.3h - Test of internal calibration recipes SPEC(0.65)0h - Time constants for flux changes spectroscopy0.5h - Internal CSs performance test1.1h - Detector selection table test SPEC0.3h - SPU compression/reduction test 0.25h Some inter-step dependencies
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST18 IST Special Performance Test: PACS SPT at HeII, PHOT: total time: ~6.7h Contents:- Cooler recycling2.2h ? - SetupPhotometry0.6h - Test of internal calibration recipes PHOT0.6h - Focal plane map with CSs and representative (0.2)0.7h background (updated see HP-2-ASED-SD-0064) - Staring measurement on CS for low1.5h frequency noise - Time constants for flux changes photometry0.5h - Detector selection table test PHOT0.1h - SPU compression/reduction test PHOT0.25h - Test pattern photometry0.1h Some inter-step dependencies
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST19 IST Special Performance Test: PACS AOT Tests: (redefined based on lessons learnt + curing; some analysis still ongoing; total time: ~8.2h) Contents:- Switch-on 0.1h - Cooler recycling2.2h - SetupPhotometry0.6h - “TuttiFrutti” AOT test PHOT0.5h - PHOT AOT concepts (based on lessons ~1.0h learnt: EQM IMT, FM ILT) - Enter SAFE mode0.1h - SetupSpectroscopy0.6h - “TuttiFrutti” AOT test SPEC0.5h - SPEC AOT concepts (based on lessons ~2.0h learnt: EQM IMT, FM ILT) - Ge:Ga detector curing procedure0.5h - Enter SAFE mode0.1h - Switch off
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST20 IST Special Performance Test: PACS Test of redundant PACS instrument: (new for FM) Ideally many FFT/SPT tests would require repetition with redundant hardware. The concept below is a compromise to save time. ( Only during ILT an attempt will be made to properly characterize redundant hardware functional performances.) Total time: ~4.8h Proposal:- Switch-on (redundant)0.1h - Cooler recycling2.2h - SetupPhotometry (other controller params !)0.6h - Two/Three position chopping w/wo CSs 0.5h - Enter SAFE mode0.1h - SetupSpectroscopy (other controller params!)0.6h - Line Scan AOT with variation of internal0.6h calibration concept - Enter SAFE mode0.1h - Switch off (redundant)
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST21 PACS EMC Testing during IST PACS-ME-PL-015, issue 1.2, 10-Nov-04, EMC/ESD Control Plan and Procedure: - Contains description of “most noisy” modes (for CE and RE) - Scripts have been written for similar overall strategy as for RS- Tests: a) configure for SPEC mode b) configure “most noisy” mode c) execute measurements PACS-ME-TP-021, issue 1.1, 6-Sep-05, Sec. 8, EMC part of PACS IMT Procedure - Contains description of “most sensitive” modes (e.g. for RS-Tests) HP-2-ASED-PR-0033, Sep-05, PLM EQM EMC Test Procedure - List of frequencies for RS-Tests Lessons learnt: Eventually modify RS-Test strategy to include pulsed tests and review list of frequencies
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST22 About TB/TV test from HP-2-ASED-PL-0031: “A reduced IST sequence will be performed for the verification of the instruments functional performance” “Shortened” IMT/IST procedure: total time ~41h - FFT (10.6h) - SPT-SPEC (8.4h) - SPT-PHOT (4.5h)without cooler recycling - AOT Test (6.0h) without cooler recycling - Redundant PACS Test (4.8h) - PACS/SPIRE Parallel Mode (6.75h) PACS TB/TV Testing
PACS SVR22/23 June 2006 FM IST23 PACS AVM IST Original purpose: “dry run = clear test procedures before going on FM” Available PACS Hardware: - DPU AVM 1/2 Boot SW has been upgraded to flight version - SPU AVM, Boot SW flight representative - DMC EM, Boot SW flight representative - BOLC AVM + external power supply Limitations with respect to FM: - Cannot run FM OBSW (DMC FM has different hardware) - Cannot run nominal IMT/IST procedures (no FPU and simulation requires different commanding) - No redundant systems - No FM MIB - Workaround solutions in analysis (mainly in OBSW) Basic Functional Test for PACS WE according to PACS-ME-TP-016, issue 1.3, section 5 (Duration 1h)