DAEDALUS Project William J Nixon Service Development Susan Ashworth Advocacy
The Problem
Scholarly Communications Debate Arisen out of problems caused to academic communities by excessive price inflation on journals Debate taken up strongly by CURL Open Archives are a single strand of Open Access FAIR programme a response in the UK
Some JISC FAIR projects E-Theses projects at Edinburgh and The Robert Gordon University HaIRST at Strathclyde SHERPA – Partners with Nottingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Oxford universities Eprints UK – Harvester Service ROMEO Project at Loughborough
Local Issues Budgetary constraints Devolved budgeting Serials vs monographs Other strategies such as collaboration tested BUT Will Institutional Repositories immediately resolve these problems?
Institutional Repositories Maximise the access to research at other institutions [who follow suit] Provide an opportunity to reduce annual serials expenditures Both very long-term solutions Maximise the visibility and impact of research for individual researchers Maximise the visibility of the institution’s collective research Short-term selling points
Nature, Volume 411, Number 6837, p. 521, Articles freely available online are more highly cited. For greater impact and faster scientific progress, authors and publishers should aim to make research easy to access. Steve Lawrence
DAEDALUS Part of the FAIR Programme Funded until June 2005 Partner with the CURL SHERPA Project Core strategic aim for GUL Two strands –Advocacy –Service Development
Issues we will explore Technical –Standards and formats Cultural –Encouraging use Organisational –IPR and copyright –Plagiarism
Service Development Published papers / ePrints Pre-prints, grey literature, technical reports, working papers Doctoral theses Research Finding Aids Administrative Documents Search service
Complementary Resource The University of Glasgow ePrints repository will exist, not in competition with the subject based archives, which are already established but rather as a complementary Institutional resource.
E-Theses Virginia Tech software Complementary and voluntary Strong Faculty support Partners with: Theses Alive! and E-Theses Project
The Major issues are NOT technical, but cultural.
Advocacy Advocacy Remit Policy issues Our Strategies
Remit to create an Open Access culture to gather content for the range of Open Archives services to provide advice on policy implications, guidelines and processes of the services, including preservation issues to formulate an exit strategy that ensures a full and fully used service
Policies Institutional Policy –Will it encourage self-archiving? Collection Policy –What will be accepted? Submission Policy –Who can submit content? –Will there be editorial control? Metadata Policy –What metadata may be harvested?
Strategies at Glasgow Project Board including an academic from each of three territorial subject groups Contacting those academics who are already self-publishing Exploring taking over departmental publications databases (RAE) with quid pro quo of full text access wherever possible
Strategies cont…. Raising debate within departments - programme of attending departmental meetings Campus events, aimed at academics Attempting to get strategic decisions at a high level within the University e.g. on submission of theses
Assistance for Staff Focus for publisher copyright policies Range of repositories Mediated submission service –Record enhancement –File conversion
Subject Librarian Input Get on agendas of Faculty Committees Arrange for Project Managers to attend meetings/give presentations in departments etc. Encourage feedback, both good and bad, on the issues Promote issues in Departmental documentation e.g. Newsletters Distribute publicity materials
Range of Metadata Issues Subject schemas Controlled vocabulary Rights Digital preservation OAI-PMH 2.0 stable and focus now ePrints extensions (2 nd OAI Workshop)
Academic Concerns Integrity of the work will be compromised That no journal will subsequently publish it That it will break existing copyright agreements with publishers Where is the benefit? Institutional liability Document formats Collection policies and Quality control
DAEDALUS – Freeing Research at the University of Glasgow DAEDALUS