Strengthening statistical capacity in support of progress towards the Internationally Agreed Development Goals in countries of South Asia United Nations Statistics Division Colombo, 21 July 2008 First Steering Committee Meeting South Asia Development Account Project
2 Background information Funded by the UN Development Account 6 th Tranche Budget – US $683,000 Timeframe – 3 years ( )
3 Governance structure UNSD – leading agency in executing the project and administering the budget Maintains regular contacts with the Steering Committee members to monitor the preparation and execution of project activities according to the established project timeline UNESCAP – cooperating agency Steering Committee Formed by the Chief Statisticians of South Asia countries Provides guidance on the direction of the project Assists with the decisions taken throughout the project in accordance to the regions needs Takes active role in project implementation Takes immediate action in case of any emerging issues and/or project adjustments need to be addressed
4 Objective To strengthen the capacity of countries in South Asia for the production and analysis, on a regular basis, of benchmark socio-economic statistics required for national development planning and for the monitoring of the progress of internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs
5 Expected accomplishments Improved organization of the statistical systems and user-producer relations in South Asia countries Strengthened communication and coordination among countries Production of quality, timely and relevant data on indicators of internationally agreed development goals Increased adoption of international statistical methods and standards
6 Overall strategy (1) Project Components Statistical capacity-building Knowledge management tool Use and strengthening of local expertise and making it available to all countries Reinforce the existing south-south cooperation Create opportunities for experts to learn from their peers
7 Overall strategy (2) Combination of activities Workshops (4) Working Group meeting (1) Study tours (upon approval by the Steering Committee) Advisory services Web-based knowledge management tool
8 Knowledge management Establishment of an IT network of experts Aim at providing a forum for a technical dialog among countries in the region Promotion of knowledge management in the form of common platforms for data and metadata exchange and sharing of information on methodologies and statistical practices Establishment of a website with interactive technology (electronic forum, wiki, etc.) Will serve as a dynamic repository of information on all aspects of statistical methodology and country practices
9 Project monitoring and evaluation Monitoring UNSD, UNESCAP and the Steering Committee Evaluation Through the indicators set out in the logical framework Progress reports Project evaluation by an independent professional evaluator
10 Questions to the SC The Steering Committee is invited to deliberate and agree on: Priority areas to be addressed by the Project Thematic areas Implementation modalities of the Project activities Schedule and venue of future events within the Project frame
11 Thank you