17-19 June, 2011 Dhaka, Bangladesh
Jonghwi PARK ICT in Education, APEID UNESCO Bangkok Introduction to “Facilitating Effective ICT-pedagogy Integration” Funded by Korean Funds-in-Trust
What is Student-Centered Learning?
What is Project-Based Learning?
Basic Information Project Title: Facilitating ICT-Pedagogy Integration Beneficiary Countries: 6 countries in the Asia and the Pacific region (Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) Time Frame: Three years (2010 – 2012) Funding source: Korean Funds-in-Trust Target Groups: School students and teachers, teacher education institutions and teacher educators; Education Specialists in UNESCO Field Offices
Overall Goal Exploring effective models of using ICT to support student centered pedagogy and promote higher-order thinking “3Is” 1)Interdisciplinary 2)Inter-school 3)Intercultural
Agenda Day 1: Friday, June 17 1)Session 1: Team Building 2)Session 2: Introduction to PBL Design Day 2: Saturday, June 18 3) Session 3: PBL Activity Design 4) Session 4: ICT Tool Development and Telecollaboration Day 3: Sunday, June 19 5) Session 5: PBL Assessment 6) Session 6: Reflection & Closing
Agenda: Day 1 Session 1: Team Building - Orientation on the CCO portal and project topic - Group work (Selection of PBL topic) - Identification of presentation groups for each session Session 2: Introduction to PBL Design - Identification of learning goals - Context analysis - 3 group presentations (15 minutes max)
Agenda: Day 2 Session 3: PBL Activity Design - Lesson plan design - Learning objectives, timeline, day-by-day instructional strategies - Group work - 3 group presentations (15 minutes max) Session 4: ICT Tool Development and Telecollaboration - Introduction to UNESCO ICT resources - Introduction to telecollaboration - Group work -3 group presentations (15 minutes max)
Agenda: Day 3 Session 5: PBL Assessment - Introduction to PBL assessment - Examples of PBL rubrics Session 6: Reflection & Closing - Lessons learned and challenges - Follow-up plan - Award ceremony
Follow-up Plan -Submit your PBL proposal to the UNESCO PBL competition - Benefit: 1)Funding 2)Regional meeting for teachers
Jonghwi Park Thank you