The first commercially available laptop was the Osborne-1.It is a 24.5-pound laptop powered by a Zilog Z80 processor featuring 4MHz speeds, 64K RAM memory, and a 5-inch display. It cost $1,795 when it first hit the market. It came bundled with $1,500 worth of programs. It also had a tiny computer screen built into it. This was the first laptop…
It lets you access the internet from anywhere without having it plugged in to anything. Plus, you can play simple games on it. That’s what the Osborne-1 does.
The Osborne-1 works just like a regular laptop nowadays. But it just isn’t as fast or it doesn’t have as much memory. Not only that, but it isn’t as developed either. You couldn’t do a lot on it. You could basically look things up and play simple games on it.
Can you see the differences!?
The inventor was Adam Osborne. It was invented in 1981.(Month and day are unknown) It was invented in the USA. It wasn’t foreign at all. It was invented to make life easier. Plus, to help people get info faster while they’re busy and not at home.
On society-It made life easier and a lot more efficient since you could take your computer with you wherever you were going. On the Environment-50 million barrels of oil could’ve been saved, and 65 million metric tons of environmental CO2 emissions could be avoided (Emits CO2 into the atmosphere.) 230 million personal computers are dumped in landfills every year and this is bad because laptops and desktop computers are not bio-degradable. On you- chromium, lead, beryllium, mercury, cadmium and zinc could harm you if your not careful. It makes getting info faster and easier then before. It could also hurt your eyes if used to much or for a great amount of time
We think it will be even smaller then it is today. Plus, the laptop will be faster and it will be more technical. (More advanced)
Invention-The Laptop Inventor- Adam Osborne Date of Invention (Unknown month and day) Place of Origin- The USA Description of invention- a portable computer that had a small screen and weighed roughly 24.5 lbs. Purpose(Why it was invented)- To help people get info faster and away from home or on the go. How does it affect our lives?- Makes getting info easier and quicker then before. How will it develop- Become more advanced and smaller. Also becoming faster. Apple Computer was founded Apple made a splash on the world stage by ushering in the Apple II 1981 The first commercially available laptop was invented (The Osborne 1) 1982 (January) Microsoft's Kazuhiko Nishi and Bill Gates began discussions on planning a portable computer 1983 Radio Shack released the TRS-80 Model 100 Mobile Computer (laptop, notebook) 1984 Macintosh Computer was invented 1985 Microsoft first started developing Microsoft Windows Osborne-1 Retrieved on Sep The Smallest Laptop Retrieved on Sep Environmental Impacts from laptop Retrieved on Sep Impacts on ourselves Retrieved on Sep sixthgrade _learning/ The Osborne-1 Retrieved on Sep
This is the world’s most eco-friendly laptop known to man! Pretty Cool huh!? know it is..just admit it.