Sabine von Mering & Walter G. Berendsohn Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem Freie Universität Berlin GBIF Germany – an overview – (Fir0002, cc-by-sa 3.0)
Node structure of GBIF-D Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM), Freie Universität Berlin: Project coordination, Plants & Protists Bavarian Natural History Collections Munich (SNSB): Fungi & Lichens, Evertebrata II German Collection of Microoranisms and Cell Cultures Braunschweig (DSMZ): Bacteria & Archaea Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN): Insects (Evertebrata I), Fossils Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt (FIS): Evertebrata III (marine collection data) Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig Bonn (ZFMK): Vertebrates
Georeferenced specimens hosted by Germany
Georeferenced records hosted by Germany
German contribution to GBIF and future data mobilisation
Outlook Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) supports GBIF-D with 4.2 million € ( ) Massive investment in technical infrastructure (end of 2010) Project partners: 6 German research institutions (8 nodes) DFG (German Research Foundation): 2 calls for proposals on digitisation of collections and mobilisation of primary biodiversity data (decision pending)
Some key issues of the work programme Extending the German GBIF community, e.g. palaeontology, algae & protists, Citizen Science, DNA bank network Digitisation and mobilisation of data from Natural history collections Extension of services offered to the community: Data hosting Joint image management (image server): German Virtual Herbarium Taxonomic information system
Associated partnersCo-operation partnersEdaphobase Literature and collection data www Associated data from “grey literature“ (expertise, monitoring reports, etc.) BioCASE/ABCD Edaphobase – Soil-zoological information system
Specimen dataDNA sample data DNA Bank Network Funded byInitiated by ABCDDNA ABCD Partners Web portal
The GBIF-D project, „Kompetenzzentren innovativer Datenmobilisierung“ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF (grant 01 LI 1001 A).