Human Evolution “A Brief Overview” By Bud Hollowell, Ph.D. The Argument in Syllogisms Premise 1 - God created humanity. Premise 2 - Humanity did not evolve. Conclusion 3 - Therefore, there will be no evidence of human evolution. Premise 1 - All life forms on earth go through the process of evolution. Premise 2 - Humanity is a life form on earth. Conclusion 3 - Therefore, there will be evidence of human evolution. Western Religion Science Life Cycle of Stars Death of a Star Age of the Earth – 5 billion All life comes from the same sources… Material found deepest is oldest Material found is same age as other material in same layer Scientific Dating of Fossils Carbon dating is proven accurate back to 50,000 years Uranium isotope dating is proven accurate back to 500,000 years Potassium to argon dating is proven accurate back to 5 billion years
Do the same laws of evolution apply to human beings? In a new book, documentary, and promotional Web site, paleontologist Jorn Hurum, who led the team that analyzed the 47-million-year-old fossil seen above, suggests Ida is a critical missing- link species in primate evolution. The fossil, he says, bridges the evolutionary split between higher primates such as monkeys, apes, and humans and their more distant relatives such as lemurs. "This is the first link to all humans," Hurum, of the Natural History Museum in Oslo, Norway, said in a statement. Ida represents "the closest thing we can get to a direct ancestor."promotional Web site Geological Time & Human Development
Homo Sapien ,000 years old Mitochondrial DNA Dating Modern humans originated in Africa There was one founding population It began 170,000 years ago They migrated to other parts of the world to replace other hominids
Homo Habilis 1.9 million years old Australopithecine Afarenis 3.2 million years old Ardipithicus 4.4 million years ago Science Limits Itself to: The physical evidence Possible theories that explain the patterns of physical evidence New improved theories as more physical evidence is found No theories that cannot be supported by physical evidence Five Principles of Evolution Variation has a genetic origin due to mutation and recombination Natural selection and gene flow causes changes in gene frequency in populations Adaptation is genetically based and leads to changes in population over time Species formation evolves through reproductive isolation Genetic changes through natural selection lead to new species For Example… Today, why are strains of flu becoming so hard to fight off each year? Children downstream of polluted rivers lose 5 points in IQ scores when they reach adulthood. How will this affect the gene pool of humanity in ten generations? And in the future… Conclusions From Science Humanity has evolved from earlier life forms. Those life forms have been identified by fossil records. Humanity as we know it began its evolutionary path about 170,000 years ago in Africa. However… An Argument from Theology or Philosophy Could Be… Premise 1 – God is the essence of complete consciousness. consciousness. Premise 2 - The process of evolution points to the design and creation of increasingly to the design and creation of increasingly higher levels of consciousness over time. higher levels of consciousness over time. Conclusion 3 - Therefore, God is the Intelligent Design guiding evolution Intelligent Design guiding evolution towards complete consciousness. towards complete consciousness.