facebook Debbi Fields just celebrated my daughter Jennifer's birthday! All of her sisters were there, including Jessica, Jenessa, Ashley and McKenzie. WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout View photos of Debbi Fields (7) Send Debbi Fields a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes “You do not have to be superhuman to do what you believe” Write something… Share Information Networks: Memphis Tennessee Birthday: September 18, 1957 Religion: Anglican/Episcopalian Hometown: Oakland, California Friends Betty Crocker Cookie Monster Wally Amos Debbi Fields just celebrated my daughter Jennifer's birthday! All of her sisters were there, including Jessica, Jenessa, Ashley and McKenzie. January 14, 2010 Pillsbury Dough Boy Cookie Monster Debbi can you make me more cookies? October 1, 2003 Pillsbury Dough Boy Debbi I have the dough for you to make your delicious cookies! June 11, 2001 Debbi Fields my newest book Debbi Fields’ Great American Desserts book just came out! December 13, 1996 Betty Crocker Debbi my cookies are better than yours! September 9, 2000 Debbi Fields is opening Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chippery in Palo Alto, California. Stop by and get some cookies! August 16, 1977 Gingerbread Man Martha Stewart
Personal Information facebook Debbi Fields just celebrated my daughter Jennifer's birthday! All of her sisters were there, including Jessica, Jenessa, Ashley and McKenzie. WallPhotosFlairBoxesDebbi FieldsLogout View photos of Debbi Fields (7) Send Debbi Fields a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Memphis Tennessee Birthday: September 18, 1957 Religion: Anglican/Episcopalian Hometown: Oakland, California Photos Networks: Memphis Tennessee Sex: Female Birthday: September 18, 1957 Hometown: Oakland California Relationship Status: Michael Rose Religious Views: Anglican/Episcopalian Activities: baking, spending time with family, relaxing Interests: making cookies, watching tv, going out with family Favorite Movies: Julie and Julia, Waitress, The Gingerbread Man Favorite TV Shows: Everyday Italian, Barefoot Contessa, The Today Show Favorite Music: Cookie Monster, Kenny Chesney, Faith Hill Favorite Books: 100 Recipes from the Kitchen of Debbi Fields, I Love Chocolate, Debbi Fields’ Great American Desserts My Cookies Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Random Updated two months ago Contact Information Address:20 Cookie Lane Memphis, Tennessee Phone Number:
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of JFK 7 Photos JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums Random 5 photos My Cookies 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Debbi Fields is baking cookies