Outreach: America’s Navy CAPT Robert D. Newell
American’s Perception of the Military Source : Gallup Consulting December 2008 Percentage of Respondents Outreach With Intent
O:AN Objectives Establishes CHINFO as single process owner responsible for community outreach. Formally tasks commanders with executing outreach requirements. Creates a long range planning process for identifying, prioritizing, and coordinating Navy outreach efforts with all stakeholders across a 10 year time horizon. Connects a broad spectrum of agencies to creates synergy in resources and marketing efforts. Ensures Navy’s outreach efforts are well-coordinated, targeted, and properly funded. Establishes a system to assess the effectiveness of outreach events. Outreach With Intent
We’ve Never Done This Before Outreach With Intent
Stakeholders and Requirements CDR Todd A. Martin
Stakeholders Outreach With Intent
CHINFO Sample Requirements Outreach With Intent
Stakeholders’ Sample Requirements USFF PACFLT Outreach With Intent Commissionings Leaders to Sea
Stakeholders’ Sample Requirements CNIC CNP Outreach With Intent CNRF Shore Leadership Speaking Events Maintain List of NJROTC Units Provide NOSC Support for significant outreach activities
Stakeholders and Sample Requirement CNRC NH&HC Outreach With Intent Purchase advertising to support each Navy Week Identify traditional commemorative activities and events carried out by the United States Navy
Want to Learn More? Attend this afternoon’s breakout session at 1300 and receive a FREE COPY of the Outreach: America’s Navy Instruction. Supplies are limited! Outreach With Intent
Rear Admirals Aviation Band Namesake MOP … to NAVCO 2.0 Experience Familiarity Expeditionary NAVCO 1.0…
… NAVCO 3.0 Continuing engagement Leaders to Sea Expanded Hometowners MOE 3/4-Stars Contract support Web 2.0 Pre-event publicity
InitiativesDesired EffectsRequirements Web 2.0 engagementEngaging, empowering, motivating audiences via cyberspace NAVCO / USNL commitment Expanded Hometowners highlighting Sailors’ service in real-world, global operations Amplified stories of our Sailors’ serviceNAVCO, Fleet commitment Targeted “Leaders to Sea” embarks Targeted third-party validators; calls to action 6- 9 months before Navy Week NAVCO, Fleet commitment 3/4-star officers engaging government business, and civic leaders Strategic, meaningful, continuing “Fortune 100” engagement; tiered engagement (small, medium & larger events) CNO, flag community commitment Hired, professional event planning; targeted influencers Year-long, higher influencer engagement; Calls to action; Meaningful/long-term relationships $xM Improved pre-event publicityIncreased attendance, messaging$yM MOE: Hired, professional assessment Statistical assessment/analysis of awareness and understanding $zM CNO letters to mayors, governors, Reps/Senators Better legislative engagementCNO, OLA commitment Desired Effect: Better Knowledge of Navy
Day Prior 2100 arrival Day of Engagement 0800 Civic leader breakfast 1000 Legislative engagement 1200 Lunch w/ local Fortune 100 CEO & principal staff 1400 Editorial board w/ local paper 1600 Media availability icw Mayor, governor 1800 Local industry group dinner 2000 Departure Heavy gov’t, corporate, civic engagement High tempo, high impact, low time commitment Adds to current 1 or 2-star engagement plan Ups the Ante Current 1 or 2-star engagement Civic organizations speaking events- breakfast, luncheon Youth group engagement Caps for Kids Media availabilities 3 high-impact events per
Increased Capability NOSC NAVCO Field Officer NRD NAVCO HQ Coordinator Fleet Contractor Region Leadership
Pre-event advertising Unique Locations, Events, Recipes 9mo 4mo3mo2mo1mo2wk6mo CFA (AC/RC NRD) Anchor event Blues Sked Flag Officers RC Action Officer Band Events SOE Construction NRD Assets Availability Flag Officer sked Outreach to local media Air Assets request SOE Confirmation Verify NRD Assets De-conflict SOE Flag Officer Trip-book Media releases Distribute Press Kits Present Effort Next Level (Additional Work) NW 3 and 4 Star Fortune 100 Engagement Leaders to Sea Expanded Hometowners Legislative Engagement Hired, Professional Event Planning Hired, Professional Assessment MPC IPC Hotwash FPC
Greg Maryniak Director, James S. McDonnell Planetarium Wildwood, MO Tom Fogarty Chief Medical Officer/Executive VP Concentra Richardson, TX Rosabel Tao VP, Corporate Comms, Spot Runner Los Angeles Ben Phillips Director of Global Markets, Afro-American Newspapers Bowie, MD Carlos Munoz CEO/Founder, CAM Communication Fairfax, VA Tracy Ryks Manager, Marketing for Twin Ports Testing Duluth, MN Call to Action! 6 of 53 in 2009
Common Sailors; Extraordinary Service
Earned Leaders to Sea Expanded Hometowners Social networking Advanced stories Paid Web ads Newspaper ads Radio & TV ads Billboard, bus banners Low-cost Post cards PSAs Increased Attendance; Direct Messaging
Performance (MOP) Event Attendance Media Impressions Ad Value Equivalency Leadership opinion Subjective, self done Effectiveness (MOE) Understanding Awareness Survey Objective, third party Accurate, Meaningful, Significant
Taking Navy Weeks to the next level Turning Navy Weeks into Navy Years Bringing the Story Home
Fleet Support to Outreach:America’s Navy CDR Chris Loundermon USFF
Fleet Perspective USFF and CPF along with their subordinate commands will Develop a centralized “Leaders to Sea” embark program. Most of us only have associated the term “Leaders to Sea” with embarking in surface ships and not submarines and aircraft carriers So what is different? A more focused approach to ensuring the Navy embark the right guests.
Fleet Support to OAN Expanded Hometowners 60 dedicated Leaders to Sea embarks per Fleet Centralized DV Database Assign Fleet Units to NROTC Units Assign Fleet Units to NJROTC Units 40 non-Navy Port Visits Fleet Weeks Namesake Relationships Ship Commissionings Blogs Fleet Requirements