Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Riley
Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS Year 2 Curriculum Homework Behaviour and expectations SATS
Numeracy Practical and written maths Key objectives Number and counting (place value, 3 digit numbers, grouping and ordering) data handling (tables, graphs and charts), measures (telling the time, 2d and 3d shapes, length, weight and capacity) and calculations (introduction of multiplication and division) Mental maths – rapid recall (number bonds, times tables, adding and subtracting 10s and 100s)
Literacy / Creative Curriculum Literacy / Creative Curriculum Choose topics that will develop Literacy skills, through learning History, Geography and Science. Autumn Term: Christopher Nibble Sri Lanka Fire / Great Fire of London
Christopher Nibble Oral retelling of a story Identifying features of fiction writing Written version of the story PHSE – animal welfare DT – making biscuits
Sri Lanka Geography – comparing UK with a different non-European country ICT – ing a school Literacy – writing letters Science – animals and their habitat
Fire! Changing State (solids, liquids and gases) The Great Fire of London Fireworks and fire safety Dragons + Art / DT; PE and music
Literacy Through these topics, we study: Instructions Explanations Non-chronological reports Fiction writing
Spelling Daily phonics letters (letters and sounds) High frequency words Year 2 essentials Days of the week, months of the year Home and school address Colours Numbers to 100
Reading Guided Reading Shared reading – teacher modelling Independent reading Books home – 2 per week, return Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for changing Read anything! Books, comics, newspapers, on-line books etc
Science Changing State Keeping Healthy Variation Plants and animals in our environment Forces Electricity
Homework Selection of numeracy and literacy skills On-going learning High frequency words Times tables Telling the time Mental maths (in shops, measures in the kitchen etc)
Expectations My responsibility to provide high quality, exciting learning opportunities Children’s responsibilities to try their best, listen in class and participate Rewards and sanctions
SATS (Statutory Assessment Tests) May, June 2014 Numeracy paper, one long / short writing tasks and reading comprehension paper Low key, no fuss with the children
Any questions?