EAT WELL, STAY HEALTHY МОУ СОШ №100 МОУ СОШ №100 им.В.С. Пустовойта им.В.С. Пустовойта г. Краснодара г. Краснодара Учитель английского языка - Учитель английского языка - Решетова Инесса Валериановна Решетова Инесса Валериановна
Helping mother Help your mother set the table With a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother set the table Every afternoon. Help your mother clear the table Take the knife and spoon. Help your mother clear the table Morning, night and noon.
Seven important things for the good food Fats (жиры) make you strong and give you energy. There are fats in meat, butter, cheese and oil. Carbohydrates (углеводы) give you energy. There are carbohydrates in bread, sugar, potatoes, pasta and rice.
Water is important for your blood. It is also cleans your body from the inside. Drink lots of water every day! Fibre ( клетчатка ) cleans the inside of your body. There is fibre in nuts, beans and cereals.
Protein (белок) helps you to grow and gives you energy. There is protein in meat, fish and milk. Vitamins are important for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of your body. There are 13 types of vitamins (A,B,C...) in many types of food. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. There are minerals in milk, vegetables, eggs, meat and cereals.
Vitamins in all foods 1) bread, rice, sugar- a) protein 2) butter, meat, oil, cheese- b) vitamins 3) beans, nuts, corn flakes- c) carbohydrates 4) corn flakes, milk, tomatoes, d) fats cabbage, eggs, meat- cabbage, eggs, meat- 5) milk, fish, meat, cheese- e) fibre 6) milk, fruits, vegetables, f) minerals meat, fish meat, fish
Time for auding What are they making? Time for auding What are they making? You need: 2 cups of flour2 cups of flour 1 cup of milk1 cup of milk 1 cup of water1 cup of water 1 egg1 egg You need: 350g of flour 350g of flour 225g of butter 225g of butter 100g of sugar 100g of sugar some salt some salt
Questions to the dialogue: 1. Pat and Ann want to make something. What is it? 2. Can they make it? 3. What can they make? 4. Do you like cooking? 5. Do you know any recipes? Tell the class, please.
There is/are; Some/any bread, cheese, butter, eggs, sugar, fish, potatoes, milk, water, salt, orange, oil, meat, nuts, cabbage. Example: There aren’t any apples, but there is some bread.
Time to spare Make the puzzle and find the key word V F F M M J N EVEGETABLESFISH FRUITS MEAT MILK JUICE NUTS EGGS
Reading time What do British people like to eat? “Sweet tooth” The British have a sweet tooth. That means they like eating sweet things like: puddings and pies, jams biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls. For the British, any time is eat-a-sweet time: tea- break at work, break at school, watching TV at home, on a car journey, in the cinema or theatre. During holidays like Christmas and Easter, and on special days like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day they eat even more sweet things.
Answer the following questions: 1. What do the words “The British have a sweet tooth” mean? 2. What kind of sweet things do you know of? 3. What sweet things do you like the most? 4. When do the British eat cakes, biscuits and other sweets? 5. Are sweet things good for children’s health? Why? 6. What are the special days in your family when you eat a lot of sweet things? 7. What do you usually eat in such days?
A healthy menu for a day (use 7 important things)
Homework: The recipe of Pancakes You need: 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of water, 1 egg 1 egg 1. Mix everything together. 2. Cook the pancakes on both sides. 3. Put some of the liquid into a frying pan. 4. Delicious with jam or honey. The recipe of shortbread biscuits You need: 350g of flour, 225g of butter, 100g of sugar, some salt some salt 1. Mix everything together. 2. Put into a cooking tin. 3. Put it into the oven at C for one hour. 4. Cut it into pieces. Delicious with a glass of milk.