1 Links between water accounting tables and UNSD/UNEP and OECD/Eurostat questionnaires Towards the harmonization of water statistics and accounting Ilaria DiMatteo, Alessandra Alfieri and Ivo Havinga United Nations Statistics Division
2 Outline BackgroundBackground Motivation and scope of the analysisMotivation and scope of the analysis Consistency of definitionsConsistency of definitions Information overlaps and gapsInformation overlaps and gaps ExampleExample ConclusionsConclusions
3 Background Handbook on Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA-2003) and handbook for Water Resources (SEEAW)Handbook on Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA-2003) and handbook for Water Resources (SEEAW) Mandate from Statistical Commission to harmonize environment statistics and accountingMandate from Statistical Commission to harmonize environment statistics and accounting UNSD strategy is to promote implementation of water accounts and statistics in as many countries as possibleUNSD strategy is to promote implementation of water accounts and statistics in as many countries as possible
4 What is water accounting? It is an information system which organizes water-related information and economic information in a common framework (the System of National Accounts) without violating the concepts of hydrology.It is an information system which organizes water-related information and economic information in a common framework (the System of National Accounts) without violating the concepts of hydrology.
5 Why the accounting approach? Introduce checks and balances in the data inherent to the accounting frameworkIntroduce checks and balances in the data inherent to the accounting framework Produce a coherent information system of water from individual sets of environment statisticsProduce a coherent information system of water from individual sets of environment statistics Consistent information between the water information and economic statisticsConsistent information between the water information and economic statistics Improved data quality Improved data quality Derivation of a consistent set of indicators Derivation of a consistent set of indicators Policy relevance Policy relevance
6 Scope of the analysis Looked at the water accounting tables and the UNSD/UNEP and OECD/Eurostat questionnaires as first step Consistency of concepts and definitionsConsistency of concepts and definitions Are the definitions used water statistics consistent with those used in water accounting?Are the definitions used water statistics consistent with those used in water accounting? Information overlaps and gaps.Information overlaps and gaps. Can the water accounting tables be compiled with information directly derived from the environment statistics questionnaires of UNSD/UNEP and OECD/Eurostat?Can the water accounting tables be compiled with information directly derived from the environment statistics questionnaires of UNSD/UNEP and OECD/Eurostat? Do the water statistics questionnaires collect information which is not included in the water accounting framework? Or do accounting tables require additional information that is not currently complied by the water statistics questionnaires??Do the water statistics questionnaires collect information which is not included in the water accounting framework? Or do accounting tables require additional information that is not currently complied by the water statistics questionnaires??
7 Consistency of definitions Water accounting and statistics definitions are in general consistentWater accounting and statistics definitions are in general consistent The following exceptions exist:The following exceptions exist: Boundary of water abstractionBoundary of water abstraction Water used in hydroelectric power generationWater used in hydroelectric power generation Use of the term public in public supplyUse of the term public in public supply Concept of total supplyConcept of total supply
8 Information overlaps and gaps Information from the water statistics questionnaires can be used to partly compile physical supply and use tables, emission accounts and asset accountsInformation from the water statistics questionnaires can be used to partly compile physical supply and use tables, emission accounts and asset accounts Water statistics questionnaire collect additional information on:Water statistics questionnaire collect additional information on: Discharge of wasterwater by type of treatment plantDischarge of wasterwater by type of treatment plant Number of people with access to safe drinking water and sanitation (also presented in supplementary accounting tables)Number of people with access to safe drinking water and sanitation (also presented in supplementary accounting tables)
9 Information overlaps and gaps - Example Need additional information to compiled simplified water accounts tables. For example, for physical supply and use table:Need additional information to compiled simplified water accounts tables. For example, for physical supply and use table: Direct collection of precipitation by usersDirect collection of precipitation by users Supply of water within the economy disaggregated by supplier;Supply of water within the economy disaggregated by supplier; Abstraction by ISIC 41 for own useAbstraction by ISIC 41 for own use
12 Conclusions Information collected from the water statistics questionnaires can be organized in an accounting frameworkInformation collected from the water statistics questionnaires can be organized in an accounting framework The terms and definitions used in water statistics questionnaires and accounting are in general consistentThe terms and definitions used in water statistics questionnaires and accounting are in general consistent Minor additions to the questionnaire would improve the analytical relevance of the questionnaires (e.g. consumption)Minor additions to the questionnaire would improve the analytical relevance of the questionnaires (e.g. consumption) Should the questionnaires be revised a process including both water statisticians and accountants should be put in place.Should the questionnaires be revised a process including both water statisticians and accountants should be put in place.