ICOM Mission ICOM is the international organisation of museum and museum professionals
ICOM Created in 1946 and based in Paris A non-governmental organisation A not for profit organisation About members in 150 countries Formal relations with UNESCO Consultative status with the United Nation Economic and Social Council 117 National Committees and 30 International Committees
30 International Committees e.g. AVICOMAVICOM - Audiovisual and New Technologies AVICOM ICOFOMICOFOM – Museology ICOFOM ICOM-CCICOM-CC – Conservation ICOM-CC CECACECA - Education & Cultural Action CECA CIDOCCIDOC – Documentation CIDOC ICRICR - Regional Museums ICR ICTOPICTOP - Training of Personnel ICTOP MPRMPR - Marketing & Public Relations MPR NATHISTNATHIST - Natural History NATHIST UMACUMAC - University Museums & Collections UMAC
International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History
What does ICOM NATHIST do? Organising annual meetings (usually 20% to 25% of the 200 members take part) Exchanging experience and ideas, mainly during the annual meetings Networking and training (e.g. Taxidermy) Keeping members informed (newsletters) Encourage and promote worldwide communication between NH museums
Our Strategy until 2010 Annual meetings (2008: Moscow; 2009: Mexico? Barbados?; 2010: Shanghai) Additional meetings of board members Several newsletters each year (e.g. about Taxidermy) Gain as many new members as possible Intensify communication Encourage members to share experience
ICOM NATHIST – EDIT Cooperation? Passing information to ICOM NATHIST members, e.g. in a special newsletter Talk focusing on the topic during annual meeting 2008 or 2009 Workshop about biodiversity and public awareness during annual meeting 2009 Establishing long-term cooperation by founding a special working group
ICOM NATHIST Working Groups WG: Ethics (Eric Dorfmann, New Zealand) WG: Taxidermy (Eirik Granqvist, Finland & Adrian Norris, UK) Affiliated WG: Eurasian Summit of Natural History Museums of Natural History Museums (contact: Gerhard Winter, Germany)
Concrete Steps in terms of Content Make use of internationality and experience (e.g. find alternative expressions in different languages and visualize them) Share ideas about exhibits and programmes like here Let each member contribute information about one endangered species in his home country,... etc.
Thank you for your attention! Of course any questions, ideas or suggestions are welcome