COMPUTER MAIN PARTS Dayhana Andrea Guerra Montoya English work Teacher: Bertha Inés Ramírez Osorio HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE
HARDWARE Refers to all the physical parts of a computer system; its components are: electrical, electronic, mechanical and electromechanical. There are cables, cabinets or boxes, peripherals of all types and any other physical element involved.
Monitor It is the primary output device that displays data or information to the user. You may also consider a peripheral input/output if your monitor has touch or multitouch screen.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) It is inside a computer or other programmable devices, hardware that performs the instructions of a computer program bythe realization of the basic operations of arithmetic, logical, and input/output of the system.
keyboard It is a peripheral input or device, in part inspired by the keyboard for typewriters, which used an arrangement of buttonsorkeys, to ensure that they act as mechanical levers or electronics witches that send information to the computer.
Mouse is a device pointer used to facilitate the management of a graphical environment on a computer. It detects its relative motion in two dimensions by the flat surface that is supported, usually reflected through a pointer or arrow on the monitor
RAM En la RAM se cargan todas las instrucciones que ejecutan la unidad central de procesamiento. It is used as working memory of computer for the operating system, programs and most of the software.
Electronic voltage regulators found in devices such as power supplies for computers, which stabilize the tensions of DC used by the processor and other elements. regulator
BAFFLES It is an electric transducer used for the playback of sound. One or several speakers can form an acoustic screen.
It is an instrument that is used to lower the temperature of some electronic components. It transfers heat from the hot part that you want to dissipate into the air. This process leads to increasing the surface of contact with the air allowing a more rapid elimination of excess heat sink
Software logical equipment or software of a computer system, which comprises the whole of the logical components that make it possible to perform specific tasks, as opposed to the physical components that are called hardware.