PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Procurement Services is the central procurement office for the Atlanta Public Schools. We procure millions of dollars worth of quality goods and services at the most economical cost or best value in accordance with the purchasing policy and regulations for the Atlanta Public Schools district. Our Mission...Serve the District and Community by providing value-added procurement and timely acquisition of goods and services necessary to carry out the District’s mission. We are responsible for ensuring that all children within the District are learning in a safe environment with access to all the necessary tools they need to learn and grow. The Department operates on sound policies and procedures that are transparent to the Community. We are dedicated to fair and open competition.
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Atlanta Public Schools Awarding Winning Procurement Team
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Division / Department Procurement Staff Curriculum & InstructionJoyce CarterSubrena ClarkRandall Sellers Administrative ServicesSr. Procurement OfficerContract SpecialistDirector School Improvement & Leadership Teaching & Learning Student Programs & Services OperationsMarki DixonLaShon HuntDavid Odom Facility ServicesSr. Procurement OfficerContract SpecialistAssistant Director Nutrition Security Transportation FinanceTeresa AdamsLaShon HuntNicole Langley Office of the Chief of StaffProcurement OfficerContract SpecialistSr. Contract Specialist Office of Internal Compliance Human ResourcesNicole MathisSubrena ClarkKendall Hallman Information TechnologyProcurement OfficerContract SpecialistSr. Procurement Business Analyst Surplus Equipment DisposalCrystal Moore Vendor Registration & DatabaseFloretta Riley
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT About Our District FY16 Annual Budget: $658 million 50 Elementary Schools, 14 Middle Schools, 14 High Schools, 12 Charter Schools Number of Students - 49,217 Ethnic Distribution: –79.3% African American –12.3% Caucasian –5.9% Hispanic –2.5% Other Free and Reduced Lunch—76% 5
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Anyone can register to become a vendor at Atlanta Public Schools. The form is available online at the APS Procurement website under “Vendor Registration”. All vendors must complete the form and provide all required information, including NIGP Commodity Codes. Vendors that are 1099 recipients must complete a W-9. Vendors must complete all applicable E-Verify Forms. Vendors are responsible for maintaining their company information in the APS vendor database. Vendor should notify APS of any changes in their company information. Vendor Registration 6
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Vendor Eligibility for Consideration Because Atlanta Public Schools is committed to awarding contracts to responsible parties, vendors with an active exclusion listed on the United States Government’s System for Awards Management (SAM) will not be eligible for consideration for a contract award. To be eligible for consideration, vendors must be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws (including Georgia’s HB 87 a/k/a “E-Verify”). Information about the requirements of HB 87 can be found on our website at: 7
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Types of Vendors There are two (2) categories of vendors recognized by APS: a. Registered b. Awarded A registered vendor is one who has submitted a vendor application to Procurement Services and been assigned a vendor number. This allows the vendor to participate in the procurement process. Once the vendor has received a Lawson ID, they should be notified that they are an APS registered vendor. An awarded vendor is one who has been determined to be the lowest responsive responsible bidder or offers the best value to the District as the result of a formal or informal solicitation. An awarded vendor must also be a registered vendor.
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT What We Buy APS needs a wide variety of goods and services to support the educational requirements of our students. Some examples are: Instructional Equipment, Materials and Supplies. Operations (facilities, nutrition, transportation) MRO Supplies Professional Services (financial, HR, instructional) Information Technology (hardware, software, services) 9
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT How We Buy All purchases and contracts for goods and services, except those excluded from open competition per Board Policy, shall be subject to the following competitive procedures: 10
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Board Policies DJEA “Purchasing Authority” and CJ “Administrative Consultants” Governs the District’s Procurement of Goods and Services and Independent Contractors Provides the exceptions to Full and Open Competition Outlines the Dollar Value Thresholds –Purchases between $2,001 to $25,000 require four (4 quotes); –Purchases exceeding $25,000 require a formal solicitation conducted by Procurement Services; –Purchases for goods or services exceeding $100,000 and/or professional services exceeding $50,000 require a formal solicitation and Board approval. 11
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Board Approval Board approval is required for the following: Capital project contracts with a total annual value of $200,000 or greater; Consultant contracts with a total annual value of $50,000 or greater; Goods or service contracts with a total annual value of $100,000 or greater. Contracts for goods or services may have up to four (4) one year options available to renew. 12
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Formal Solicitations (over $25k) Invitation to Bid (ITB) is used to obtain pricing on specific goods or services. All responses shall be publically opened on the scheduled date and time shown in the solicitation. Request for Proposal (RFP) is based on a scope of work and will be evaluated by a committee based on pre-determined evaluation criteria to determine which vendor offers the “best value” to the District. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is used to determine the qualifications of a vendor to provide goods or services. Request for Information (RFI) is used to obtain information from potential vendors prior to issuing a formal solicitation (ITB, RFP or RFQ). The information submitted may be used to develop specifications or scope of work for a formal solicitation. 13
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Formal Solicitations (over $25k) All formal solicitations are posted on the APS website and the Georgia Procurement Registry. You must register as a vendor with the state of Georgia to receive notifications of open solicitations. Starting in November 2009,awarded contract information is posted on the APS website. Quick Links Procurement Outstanding Solicitations Contracted Vendors Solicitation historical data is available upon request. You must submit an open records request to 14
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Once a vendor (or vendors) has been recommended for award and approved by the board (if applicable), the vendor will receive a letter of intent from the assigned Procurement Officer. Vendor will submit a certificate of insurance. A contract administrator will work with the vendor to get a contract executed. Vendor may not provide goods or services to APS until a contract has been executed and a purchase order issued. Formal Solicitation Award 15
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Contract Administration Manages the three facets of the District’s contracting to ensure vendor performance in accordance with contractual obligations –These facets are: 1)contract drafting 2)contract compliance/performance, and 3)contract renewals/terminations Vendors are NOT allowed to provide goods or services to Atlanta Public Schools until a contract has been fully executed by all parties and the vendor has received a purchase order. 16
PROCUREMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our contact information is available at the APS Procurement website. Go to Quick Links Procurement Procurement Staff You can also access our Procedures Manual on the website for further details on any of the processes discussed in this presentation.Procedures Manual Contact Us Thank you. 17