Moms Throughout her life, a mom is engaged in a variety of unique and personal experiences. Do you know how to get and keep her attention?
A mom is……. According to the U.S. census, there are 83 million moms in the U.S., and each year, four million new moms are “born.” According to the U.S. census, there are 83 million moms in the U.S., and each year, four million new moms are “born.” On average, today’s mom is 27 years old, working On average, today’s mom is 27 years old, working and interested in having more than 2 kids. Every year moms spend $1.7 trillion dollars. Every year moms spend $1.7 trillion dollars. Moms control 80% of household spending. Moms control 80% of household spending. 90% of mothers use the same products at 90% of mothers use the same products at home and the office. 5 million moms own their own business. 5 million moms own their own business. For the first time in history, four generations of mothers comprise the Mom Market For the first time in history, four generations of mothers comprise the Mom Market
Why companies target moms Females outnumber males in the United States by over six million. Females outnumber males in the United States by over six million. There are 141,606,000 women with children in the United States. There are 141,606,000 women with children in the United States. Woman-owned businesses generate $1.15 trillion in sales. Woman-owned businesses generate $1.15 trillion in sales. 9.2 million people are employed by Women-owned businesses. 9.2 million people are employed by Women-owned businesses. U.S. women spend more than $3.7 trillion annually on consumer goods and services. U.S. women spend more than $3.7 trillion annually on consumer goods and services. U.S. women make up the number three market in the world, with their combined buying power exceeding the economy of Japan. U.S. women make up the number three market in the world, with their combined buying power exceeding the economy of Japan. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an average- income family will spend $165,630 on a child by the time the child reaches eighteen years of age. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an average- income family will spend $165,630 on a child by the time the child reaches eighteen years of age.
How to reach moms Print Advertising Print Advertising Magazines are the preferred choice of reading for moms. The average mother reads 4 different magazines a month with 3 of them being delivered to her home. Television Television Television advertising directed at mothers is capturing the attention of only a small portion of the market. Word of Mouth Word of Mouth Word of mouth is the strongest form of marketing within the mom market. 55% of mothers say they rely on recommendations when making purchases for the home. The number jumps to 64% when it comes to buying a product for their child. Online Online Moms are online seeking information and spending money on the Internet. 94% of moms say they have purchased a product online.
The Walt Disney Co. is targeting moms with a one–stop web site designed to provide answers to everything from teething to saving for college. was just launched for its trial run. The website includes parenting and child development help and support, food recipes, activities and entertainment for the whole family, education guides to schools and learning, travel help, and shopping with the latest must haves and reviews. Eventually aiming to create a “ParentPedia,” with information on over thousands of topics that can be expanded by users. w w w. F a m i l y. c o m
Sony has chosen to reach out and touch the Mom Market (an example of Sony’s advertisement to the right). Why should I choose a Sony Handycam®? Sony knows just how to touch a mom’s heart. A mom’s most precious memories are milestones achieved by their child. Capturing those events are priceless. Sony hit the nail on the head. In a commercial by Sony they show a mom away on business in a hotel room reaching into her suitcase and finding a DVD. As the DVD plays her two children sing her Happy Birthday. Every mom knows how hard it is to be away from their child and Sony bridged a connection with their product. Your child’s first steps. College graduation. Life is full of moments that are well worth remembering. There’s no better way to capture those moments than with a Sony Handycam® camcorder. It’s never been easier to immortalize your memories in stunning sight, sound, and motion, allowing you to simply capture life as it happens. Sony Handycam® camcorders are versatile, powerful, and easy to use. Discover the emotions, the memories, and the fun by creating you own movies to cherish and share.
Resources and Links Packaged Facts: U.S. Mom Market: A Ground-Breaking Profile of Mothers as Consumers Packaged Facts: U.S. Mom Market: A Ground-Breaking Profile of Mothers as Consumers Confectioner Magazine: Tapping Into Kids’ Touchpoints Confectioner Magazine: Tapping Into Kids’ Touchpoints eMarketer: eMarketer Reports 32 Million Mothers Are Online eMarketer: eMarketer Reports 32 Million Mothers Are Online Sony: Why Choose Sony Handycam® Sony: Why Choose Sony Handycam® /USD/SY_ViewStaticStart?page=static%2farticles%2fhandycamguide%2eis /USD/SY_ViewStaticStart?page=static%2farticles%2fhandycamguide%2eis BSM Media Marketing to Moms BSM Media Marketing to Moms YouTube: Sony Handycam DVD commercial TV YouTube: Sony Handycam DVD commercial TV ABC News: Disney to Launch Web Site Aimed at Moms ABC News: Disney to Launch Web Site Aimed at Moms