Go Red for Women Campaign 2011 Date XXXXXX This presentation provides general information on the Go Red for Women Campaign in 2011 Go Red for Women Campaign 2011 Date XXXXXX
Heart Foundation vision Working for over 50 years for Australians to have the best cardiovascular health in the world Firstly a bit about the Heart Foundation. Our vision is simple.
Why Heart Foundation work is vital Australia’s leading independent heart health charity Heart, stroke and blood vessel disease is the leading cause of death in Australia 1 in 3 people in Australia are affected, many disabled long term One person dies of CVD every 11 minutes Kills all ages – from young to the old And this is an important vision because as these figures indicate heart stroke and blood vessel disease bear a heavy burden on the Australian population.
Heart disease risk factors Non-modifiable risk factors include Increasing age A family history of premature death from heart disease Sex Modifiable risk factors include Cigarette smoking High blood cholesterol Physical inactivity Diabetes High blood pressure Being overweight Depression and social isolation I am sure you know the various risk factors for heart disease but lets revisit them again. Heart disease risk factors include things which can be changed (‘modifiable’ risk factors) and things which can’t (‘non-modifiable’ risk factors). These factors affect both men and women but… Importantly, smoking, diabetes and some blood cholesterol patterns are even more potent risk factors for heart disease in women than they are in men.
Women and heart disease Over 10,400 women die of heart disease each year [i] Heart disease is the number one killer of women in Australia and kills about four times as many women as breast cancer [i] Awareness is low, only 31% of women know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in Australia [ii] [i]Australian Bureau of Statistics. Causes of death data 2009 (3303.0). May 2011. [ii] Heart Foundation, Heart Watch survey 2010 (unpublished) So now lets focus on women and heart disease. The statistics regarding women and heart disease are startling. Here are some which have been instrumental in driving the Go Red for Women Campaign. Little known fact that heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia – and over 10,400 women die each year. Common belief is that breast cancer is the leading cause of death in Australia. However the statistics tell a different picture.
Women and heart disease Generally affects women later in life than men Often no signs or symptoms are present till a life threatening event like a heart attack occurs More than 90% of Australian women have at least one modifiable risk factor for heart disease and half of all women have two or three Some evidence to suggest heart disease in women is under diagnosed but more research is needed
What women tell us Mechanics of heart disease poorly understood Heart disease considered of low personal relevance – many see it as a man’s disease Breast cancer considered a greater cause of concern for women Poor understanding of clinical risk factors associated with disease e.g. high blood pressure and high cholesterol View heart disease as easily fixable – poor recognition of the disability that can be associated in living with heart disease Unsure about how to personally apply the information about reducing risks of heart disease Our research into women’s attitudes and beliefs around heart disease tell us this.
What is Go Red for Women? Go Red for Women is the Heart Foundation’s campaign that unites Australian women in the fight against heart disease – helping to raise awareness of their risk and the steps to make healthier choices.
Go Red for Women In a nutshell… GRFW has run nationally in Australia since 2009 Based on an American Heart Association campaign and is now run internationally in over 30 countries The major focus of the campaign is held in June; however opportunities to spread the word can be done all year round Deborah Thomas (Consulting Editor Women’s Weekly) is the National Ambassador
Know the facts not the myths Is the key message underlying the campaign For instance: If you think heart disease only affects older men, you’re wrong. It kills almost as many women as it does men. Most women don’t realise their risk of heart disease increases significantly after menopause. Heart disease is not always obvious. Having a heart attack could be a first sign. The Campaign focuses on knowing the facts and dispelling the myths associated with women and heart disease. Here are some examples:
New for 2011: Go Red for Women 2011 A free 10 week Healthy Heart Challenge Aimed to provide women with practical ways to improve their heart health Go Red for Women Roadshow to 10 locations nationally Other activities include media and local events New call to action to build on the Go red for Women myths and facts campaign- the Healthy Heart Challenge. There will also be other activities including media promotion and local events.
Healthy Heart Challenge Free 10-week Challenge which ran from 1 June to 10 August 2011 Online registration with 6 goals to choose from: Be active everyday Improve everyday nutrition Increase knowledge of heart health Quit smoking Lower high blood pressure Lower high cholesterol Participants chose one goal Major prize awarded upon completion with incentives throughout Details of the Challenge are as follows. The 2011 Healthy Heart Challenge ran from 1 June to 10 August and is now finished.
Healthy Heart Challenge Example: Goal: Be active every day Select 2 or more activities: Join the Heart Foundation Walking program and walk with them at least once a week (visit www.heartfoundation.org.au). Leave the car at home one day a week or walk or catch public transport instead. Join your work colleagues for a lunchtime walk, swim or ball game once a week. And more! If a participant chose the Be Active every day goal they would be required to choose 2 or more activities form the supplied list. Please note that not all activities are listed in this example.
Another example Goal: Quit smoking All activities to be selected: Set a date for quitting on 1 June. Make your home and car smoke-free. Know your triggers for smoking and have strategies to deal with these. Avoid second-hand (passive) smoke. Call the Quitline or ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice and support on quitting smoking. Use the online quit coach to help you quit smoking at www.quitcoach.org.au. Consider using patches, gum or medicines to assist you quit. If a participant chose the Quit smoking goal, all listed activities are to be selected.
Steps to joining the Challenge Registration Online information was emailed to participants on registration Weekly e-newsletters provided: Information on healthy lifestyle Clinical guidelines Recipes Motivation Weekly online check-in’s enabled participants to log their progress Healthy Heart Challenge Champions provided profile’s and progress updates Health Information Service offered personalised phone support and advice Participants will be supported and engaged throughout the 10-week challenge.
Promotion of the HHC Women were encouraged to participate in the Challenge through: Workplace promotion Media advertising Friend to friend Sponsor support The Healthy Heart Challenge will run again in 2012. For details, visit goredforwomen.org.au
GRFW Social Marketing & PR Advertising The Australian Women’s Weekly, Woman’s Day, TV Week, Take 5, Good Health and Recipes+ MIX FM Digital Advertising Public relations and media Free GRFW e-newsletters Social Media Facebook – ‘like’ the campaign Follow us on Twitter GRFW Website goredforwomen.org.au Other activities that occurred to support Go Red for Women this year Advertising GRFW campaign advertisements will appear in The Australian Women’s Weekly, Woman’s Day, Take 5, Good Health, TV week and Recipes+ magazines. MIX FM will broadcast on the campaign in ACT, QLD, SA, NSW and VIC. Digital Advertising Online versions of magazines as well as nine msn. Free GRFW e-newsletters You can also sign up for our free GRFW e-newsletter, with interesting articles, healthy lifestyle tips and recipes. Social Media There will be promotion of the Healthy Heart Challenge on Facebook and Twitter. GRFW Website Visit the GRFW website to register for the Healthy Heart Challenge and for more information about women and heart disease, details about GRFW events around the country and to order campaign resources.
Press Advertising Here are press ad examples:
Other activities Go Red for Women Roadshow Go Red for Women events
Go Red for Women Roadshow The national Go Red for Women Roadshow was a series of free expos designed to engage and educate women about the risk factors of heart disease. The GRFW Roadshow travelled to all states and the ACT between 21 May and 16 July. Roadshow events aimed to raise awareness about women’s heart health and featured cooking master classes inspiring guest speakers fun and social ways to get active opportunity to win fantastic prizes
Go Red for Women events Raise awareness and funds for Go Red for Women cause More than 25 events held during 2011 Movie nights, forums, breakfasts, lunches, cocktail parties All funds raised helps fund education and research into this important cause
How you can support Go Red Sign up to receive the free Go Red e-Newsletter at goredforwomen.org.au Fundraise - hold your own event to help raise funds and awareness for women and heart disease. Donate - make a personal donation or have your workplace, club or association match your donation. Nominate the Heart Foundation’s Go Red for Women campaign as a beneficiary of your existing event. All funds raised helps fund education and research into this important cause. Information, brochures and resources including a Fundraising Kit are available at goredforwomen.org.au
National Sponsor Family Our Go Red for Women corporate sponsor partners play an integral role in the campaign lending their brands and communications channels to help raise awareness about women and heart disease. Presenting Sponsor AMP Capital Shopping Centres Supporting Sponsors UNCLE TOBYS®, Curves, Flora pro-activ, EA Sports Active Providing Sponsors V-ZUG, Tefal Media Sponsor ARN Radio Network Media Partner ACP Magazines
Join us this Go Red campaign Sign up to the free Go Red e-Newsletter at goredforwomen.org.au Hold a Go Red event in your workplace and wear red to support women and heart disease ‘Like’ the Heart Foundation on Facebook Fundraise or donate to the Go Red for Women campaign Attend a Go Red event in your state or territory Tell your friends, colleagues and family about women and heart disease In conclusion, these are the ways you can support the Go red for Women campaign this year.