Environmental protection expenditures – domain waste water International Work Session on Water Statistics
Investments per sector, the Netherlands
Current expenditure on waste water management, Estonia
Investments in the domain waste water for EU-25
Current expenditure for waste water management for EU-25
Data availability Data is collected through the Joint Questionnaire between OECD/Eurostat, and via the SBS regulation. Data availability good for both investments and current expenditures for the treatment and prevention of waste water emissions. Over 80% of EU countries have available data, EFTA and Accession countries also have these data available
Comparability Good harmonised data for the three SBS sectors; Mining & Quarrying, Manufacturing and Electricity, gas and water supply. Public sectors expenditures are less comparable internationally.
Future work Continue to build on time series for investments and current expenditures Integrate available data with related physical data according to the Environmental Accounts Highlight the possibilities to use environmental protection expenditures in reporting to the Water Framework Directive
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