China: Water Management and Accounting Project May 22-24, 2006 Hague
Contents Part 1. Water management status in China Part 2. Cooperation project related to SEEAW (as planed) Part 3. Integrated water management based on water accounts (as planed)
Part 1. Water Management Status in China A. Water related problems B. Water policy and practice
A. Water related problems a) uneven distribution of water resources b) water shortage aggravates c) serious flood damage d) serious water pollution e) problems related to water ecology and environment
uneven distribution in space North: water resources 19% population 47% cultivated land 64% GDP 45% South: water resources 81% population 53% cultivated land 35% GDP 55% a) Water resources uneven distribution Average rainfall in the south mm Average rainfall in the north mm
28% Unit m b) water shortage, conflict between water demand and supply worsen alarming level
c) flood control capacity is fairly low, flood damage is serious - high flood risk - severe burden on flood control - serious damage - national average losses since 1990 was 110 billion yuan
d) serious water pollution intensifies water shortage construction of wastewater treatment infrastructure is lagging behind construction of wastewater treatment infrastructure is lagging behind pricing mechanism of urban and industrial wastewater treatment is far from perfect pricing mechanism of urban and industrial wastewater treatment is far from perfect grave water pollution problem. grave water pollution problem.
B. Water policy and practice In recent years, guided by the concept of sustainable water management, China has established series of water policies and achieved new progress.
a) Drinking water safety is priority - More than 20 billion Yuan has been invested in past 5 years - 60 million rural population gain access to drinking water - Provide drinking water to another 100 million rural residents by 2010 Population with access to drinking water (million) Investment (billion yuan)
b) Develop a water saving society promote reform on water management system promote reform on water management system complete water quantity allocation for major rivers & lakes by 2010 complete water quantity allocation for major rivers & lakes by 2010 enact water-abstract permission system enact water-abstract permission system encourage water user participation encourage water user participation promote technology upgrading & products application promote technology upgrading & products application Water supply project
c) accelerate construction of flood-control and disaster-mitigation system to ensure flood control security - make room for flood - combine structural measures with non-structural measures - invested into comprehensive flood control system 2900km 2 water surface restoredreclaimed farmland retreated to lake
d) emphasize food security and improve supporting and protecting systems for agriculture - save agricultural water - secure agricultural water use - realize zero-increase of total water use
e) Accelerate construction of water allocation projects to enhance regulation on temporal and spatial distribution of water plan and build south-to-north water diversion project construct regional water allocation projects increase of water supply relieve ecological deterioration plan and build south-to-north water diversion project construct regional water allocation projects increase of water supply relieve ecological deterioration
f) strengthen water pollution prevention to restrain further deterioration of water environment - About 15,000 enterprises were closed due to high water consumption and pollution discharge - Formulating water functioning zone management system water quality of functioning zone in major water body quality of water sources for urban water supply above 60 above 60 urban wastewater treatment rate above 65 above 65 by 2010 by 2010
h) Improve Water management system and mechanism establishment and implementation of corresponding regulations, policies and technical standards establishment of water management system based on river basin management & administrative district management promotion of urban and rural integrated water management encourage private capital in water market construction and operation. establishment and implementation of corresponding regulations, policies and technical standards establishment of water management system based on river basin management & administrative district management promotion of urban and rural integrated water management encourage private capital in water market construction and operation.
A. Cooperation form B. Accounting contents C. Working stages Part 2. Cooperation project related to SEEAW (as planed)
A. Cooperation form Collaborator: MWR: Data source NBS: National Accounting Background Supporter: UNSD: Implementation of SEEAW
B. Accounting contents Physical accounts Flow: SUT, emission accounts Stock: asset accounts, quality accounts Monetary accounts Protect expenditure
C. Working stages a. Staff training b. Data collection (statistics and surveys) c. River basin trial d. Implementation at national level
Part 3. Integrated water management based on water accounts (as planed) A. Indicators B. Implementation
A. Indicators Selection a. Proportion of people with safe drinking water b. Water allocation by sectors c. Water use efficiency d. Investment of infrastructure e. Pricing/cost recovery f. Water quality
B. Implementation a. Water resources planning for IWRM b. Promotion of water-saving c. Promotion of water-environment protection d. Collaboration among agencies e. Establishment of adaptable and standard methodology facing Chinas water and economic situation
Thank you