Eurostat Progress report SDMX-NA ESTAT, Unit C.2
Eurostat Content 1.Background 2.Timeline 3.State of play and next steps? NAWG 23/5/2013 Item 19
Eurostat 1. Background (1) 3 Streamline data flows Central management (SDMX Registry) Software tools Data sharing Data structures, concepts, code lists Across domains Across organisations NAWG 23/5/2013 Item 19
Eurostat 1. Background (2) Take advantage of new technical developments Review of data transmission programme SNA2008/ ESA2010 NAWG 23/5/2013 Item 19
Eurostat 2. Timeline Item 5.4 DMES 14/3/13 Preparation Q3/ Q1/2012 Governance, Organisation, Planning Development Q4/ Q2/2013 Data Flows, Concepts, Code Lists DSDs and other artefacts Consultations Q3/ Q1/2013 NA and IT expert groups SDMX Sponsors & working groups Implementation Q4/ Q2/2014 Pilots 1+2, content review, technical review Release Adaption of production systems Production Sept 2014 Maintenance Regular Production
Eurostat 3. State of play and next steps (1) Item 5.4 DMES 14/3/13 Content review (concepts, code lists, DSD matrix) 12/ /2013 Follow-up on content review Development of DSD and other artefacts Development of EXCEL visualisation templates Q1/2013 Technical review phase (SDMX DSDs and other artefacts, end to end tests) Q2/2013 Follow-up on technical review Release of SDMX DSDs and associated artefacts (by September) Start of implementation (NSI, NB, ESTAT) Summer organisations 25 countries 16 EU MS
Eurostat 3. State of play and next steps (2) Updated DSD guidelines Updated DSD Matrix Short questionnaire on technical aspects (for active participants) Excel visualisation templates and Excel2SDMX converter Technical review package: Friday 17/05/2013 – technical review package sent out Friday 19/7/2013 – deadline for replies September 2013 – release of final package Important dates: NAWG 23/5/2013 Item 19
Eurostat SDMX Implementation in Member States 8 Tools offeredAction Web FormsNo costs for organisation Manual work for senders (type, copy/paste) SDMX Converter (senders PC) Installation on senders PC Manual work for senders (convert) SDMX Converter (batch mode) Installation on server SDMX Reference Infrastructure Installation on server Mapping of database to DSDs Own SDMX Implementation Local development in organisations
Eurostat 3. State of play and next steps (3) 10 or 11 June 2013 seminar for NSI NA & IT staff NAWG 23/5/2013 Item 19 !
Eurostat Additional information: 10 SDMX Support Team SDMX Website SDMX tools repository Eurostat SDMX Info Space NAWG 23/5/2013 Item 19
Eurostat Questions: 11 NAWG Members are invited to express views on: The state of play with regard to the technical preparations for the data transmission and exchange under ESA 2010 as of September The run of the testing phase of the SDMX- NA project. NAWG 23/5/2013 Item 19