By: Fernando Mendoza Matías Tirado Gino Roberti Alessandra Risi
What is Trafficking? Trafficking is the action of taking people things or substances from one place to another illegally. It can also involve animals, drugs, fuel, or wood that a lot of people do not know. Trafficking is an illicit activity that some people do. It is an illegal way to trade. It is to take things without permission to sell them.
In the world there are many types of illicit trafficking like: drugs, people, animals, historical objects, fuel and wood trafficking.
Causes of drug trafficking: Money Finance terrorist groups Power Effects of drug trafficking: Drug addicts Violence Terrorism Economic distortion International distrust General instability Drug trafficking is the production and distribution of illegal substances.
Causes of human trafficking: Money Undeveloped countries with lack of opportunities for their nationals. Armed conflict and/or political violence Increasing demand for cheap and exploitable laborers in the construction, agricultural and industrial sectors. Human trafficking Is the practice of people being tricked and forced or otherwise removed from their houses or country and then obliged to work with no or low payment and under conditions in which they are highly exploited.
Effects of human trafficking: One million children and more than 10,000 babies are being trafficked every year for false adoptions in North America and Europe. Children age 11 and younger are known to be used for working and for prostitution. All that, mostly in Europe, America and China.
ANIMAL TRAFFICKING Animal trafficking is the illicit type of trading of animals that are in extinction or that are very rich in a cultural way. Causes of animal trafficking: Money Lack of government environment protection There is a demand for foreign animals in the world Effect of animal trafficking: Many animal species in danger of extinction. Increasing environmental degradation
“The carrot and the stick” 1.Develop alternative programs to provide opportunities to all citizens. 2.Enforce the rule of law and provide bills of law to protect the environment. 3.Encourage people to protect their natural resources and their society. 4.Provide information and education to all nationals about the topic. 5.Improve prevention plans. 6.Implement discipline and drastic punishment to law breakers. 7.Law enforcement operations to combat traffickers. 8.Enhance controls for detection and interdiction.
If you need help you can call: ADEA CLADEM DIRANDRO INTER POOL INRENA SUNAT – ADUANAS PERUVIAN COAST GUARD “Las Naciones Unidas Contra la droga y el delito” PERUVIAN NATIONAL POLICE DEA DEVIDA (Comision Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida Sin Drogas)
Conclusions There are different kinds of illicit trafficking, which affect economies and societies in the world. Trafficking has a negative effect either on the environment or on the people. The main cause of whatever kind of trafficking, is money The policy to combat trafficking must integrate prevention measures as well as law enforcement measures. To combat trafficking we need a strong government with a decisive policy and conviction to end trafficking in all its varieties and in all their logistic chains.
Our action is to inform the people about our topic hoping they will contribute to the prevention of this problem. We will inform them about the damage made to the environment and the society because of illicit trafficking and the penalties they can get for participating in these illicit activities. The way we are going to act is giving out brochures and making a PPT presentation for our school mates and parents so they can be informed and become force multipliers to spread the word.