What We Do Keep Akron Beautiful (KAB) made it our mission to get more involved with our schools participating in America Recycles Day, in KAB now has 33 schools participating in America Recycles Day through the Recycle Bowl Competition.
How KAB works with Schools KAB sends staff and volunteers into the schools to work with students to: Facilitate papermaking activities Distribute materials for contest & lesson plans to teachers Congratulate & reward contest winners!
Collaborations: River Valley Paper Co. KAB has worked with River Valley Paper company for 5 years to: Coordinate biweekly recycling pick-ups at each school Communicate recycling totals per school throughout competition Donate prizes including money, tour of facility, and production of calendar
How we reward our schools KAB awards prizes to schools in the following categories: Most paper recycled by an Elementary School $250 and a Pizza Party Most paper recycled by a Middle School $500 and a tour of RVP Most paper recycled by a High School $500 and a tour of RVP Most paper collected overall $500 Most improved $250
Poster Contest In 2012, KAB & RVP founded a poster contest for the schools Students submit recycling themed posters artwork Winning submission is used in calendar produced by RVP Student & teacher win $25 American Express gift card
What We’re Going to Do Work with volunteer from Akron Public Schools Determine how the Recycle Bowl will fit into curriculum Develop new lesson plans Collaborate with art teachers to increase poster contest participation