Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
The Founding of Israel In the late 1800’s Jews in Europe sought to create a homeland for the Jewish people. Jews were subjected to second class status, violence, murder/genocide for centuries. A movement called ZIONISM was created to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine(Present day Israel). Palestine(present day Israel) was the logical choice because it had biblical/historical significance to the Jewish people
WWII Palestine was controlled by the British under the mandate system. Jews began heavily immigrating to Palestine. 6 Million Jews died in the Holocaust just because they were Jewish. Thousands of Jewish Refugees sought to settle in Israel. Jews were determined to create a Jewish country in Palestine.
Horrors of WWII: the Holocaust
What about the Palestinian People? Palestinians had lived on the land for centuries. They opposed the arrival of Jewish immigrants. Fighting broke out between the Jews, the Palestinians and the British, who were administering the mandate. Britain decides to withdraw from Palestine. The U.N. was put in charge of deciding the outcome of Palestine.
Partition of Palestine The UN decided that Palestine should be divided into two countries: Palestine(Arab) and Israel(Jew). The Jews accepted the plan, while the Palestinians rejected the plan. Jews announce Israel’s independence in Israel occupied the land set aside by the UN.
WAR: 1948 As Israel declared it’s independence it was attacked in an attempt to be destroyed by : Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Israel defeated the Arab attackers. Israel annexed or attached the land it conquered during this war. Jordan occupied the West Bank and Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip.
Palestinian Refugees More than 500,000 Palestinians became refugees as a result of the 1948 war, as they fled the violence. Many fled at the request of neighboring Arab states, fighting Israel on their behalf. Many settled into camps in neighboring Arab countries. These camps became permanent homes. Palestinians believe they have a right to return to their homes.
Palestinian Refugee Camp 1948
But the conflict continued… 3 major wars. 1956: Israel, France and Great Britain attacked Egypt after Nasser(leader of Egypt) nationalized the Suez Canal Six Day War: Israel miraculously won, gaining a lot of new land-West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights Yom Kippur War: Syria and Egypt surprise attacked Israel but were unsuccessful.
Israeli Soldiers at the Western Wall-Jerusalem 1967
The PLO The P.L.O-Palestinian Liberation Organization, was created to set up a Palestinian state and was led by Yassir Arafat. The P.L.O. used guerilla terrorist tactics on Israelis. They sought to physically destroy Israel and return the land to the Palestinians. They hijacked planes, took hostages, staged bombings.
Yasir Arafat-leader of the P.L.O.
The Intifada By 1987, the Palestinians began an uprising. Years of living in occupied territories caused frustration among the population. Palestinians attacked soldiers, and civilians. Israel, and the Palestinian leaders, were caught by surprise. Ultimately, the uprising forced both sides to look for ways to end the violence and bring about peace.
Intifada: Palestinian Uprising 1987
Peace Process Israel signed peace agreements with Egypt(1977) and Jordan(1995). The P.L.O and Israel finally sat down to talk about peace, signing the Oslo Accords. This gave Palestinians limited rule over themselves. “Land for Peace” is the general idea behind the peace negotiations. By 2000 violence broke out again between the Israelis and Palestinians.
Signing of the Oslo Accords: Bitter Enemies Shake Hands