Arab-Israeli Conflict— 20 th Century Mrs. Ann Weeks Modern World History
Essential Question: How did Britain’s actions in Palestine after 1918 lay the groundwork for the on- going conflict between the Jews and the Arabs in the Middle East today?
Jews & Arabs in Palestine, 1920 In 1920, there was 1 Jew to every 10 Arabs in Palestine. By 1947, the ratio was 2 Arabs for every Jew. In 1920, there was 1 Jew to every 10 Arabs in Palestine. By 1947, the ratio was 2 Arabs for every Jew. The Arabs felt that they were loosing control of their “country!”
British Mandate in Palestine Created July, 1922
British White Paper of 1939 Limited Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75,000 over the next five years. It ended Jewish land purchases. Independence for Palestine within 10 years. It is NOT British policy that Palestine become a Jewish state. Limited Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75,000 over the next five years. It ended Jewish land purchases. Independence for Palestine within 10 years. It is NOT British policy that Palestine become a Jewish state.
The “Arab Legion” of the British Army During WW 2
The “Jewish Brigade” of the British Army During WW2
The Nazi Holocaust 6,000,00 Jews killed by the Nazis [1/2 in the concentration camps.]
Palestine Populatio n in 1946
U. N. Partition Plan of 1947
Israel Becomes a Nation: May 14, 1948 David Ben-Gurion, 1 st Prime Minister Chaim Weizmann, 1 st President
War Begins!: May 15, 1948
Arab Refugees, 1948 The Palestinian Diaspora begins!
Armistice Signed, 1949
Israel: 1947 & Israel: 1949
Palestinian Refugees Palestinian Diaspora
Suez Crisis (1956) Gamal Abdul Nasser President of Egypt
Six-Day War (1967) UN Resolution 242 UN Resolution 338
Causes of 6-Day War 1. Growing nationalism 2. Arms buildup 3. Nasser’s order to evacuate UB peacekeeping troops from Sinai Peninsula 4. Nasser closed Suez Canal to Israeli shipping 5. LBJ: Diplomacy 6. Israel: NO! Does not work!
6-Day War 1. Surprise attack: Israel destroys Syrian & Egyptian air forces 2. Israeli tanks to Suez Canal 3. Took West Bank, Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan 4. Egypt & Jordan want UN ceasefire 5. Israel bombed US ship—34 US sailors dead 6. Israel took Golan Heights from Syria
US vs. USSR US & USSR provide weapons and technical support to Israel & Arab states Arab-Israeli competition make future wars inevitable US & USSR willing to help their allies
Anwar al-Sadat
Sadat President of Egypt Goal: Return of Sinai Peninsula War with Israel: 2 Front Offensive Egypt took Sinai Syrians took Golan Israel regrouped: Wedge b/ Egypt & Sinai & retook Golan Heights
Cold War Politics US commitment—boiling point Golda Meir asked Nixon for aid: 1 m. tons/day USSR sent $ & aid, promised troops Nixon: US military on alert to warn Russians to stop interfering
OIL: BARGAINING CHIP Oil Embargo against USA of 1973 World oil prices doubled to $17.00/barrl US imports doubled OPEC raised prices & cut production Dramatic impact on world economy Gasoline prices jumped 40% US economic output dropped 6% Kissinger: shuttle diplomacy 3/1974: King Faisal Ibn Saud called off embargo
Camp David Accords Peace Talks President Carter: USA President Sadat: Egypt Prime Minister Begin: Israel Camp David, MD
Results Return of Sinai Egypt recognition of Israel US: $3m to Israel, 1.5m to Egypt Foreign aid continues No mention of refugees Egypt expelled from Arab League(1945) Sadat assassinated by Republican Guard- -bodyguards
Affect on US policy in ME Egypt in US camp Syria & Iraq in Soviet camp US: close ties with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran Foreign aid to Turkey Investment in Saudi Arabia
Palestine Liberation Organization Yassir Arafat
Yom-Kippur War (Oct., 1973)
Camp David Accords (1979) President President Prime Minister Anwar Sadat Jimmy Carter Menachem Begin of Egypt of the U. S. Of Israel
Camp David Accords (1979)
Palestinian Intifada-Part I ( )
The Expansio n of Israel
ISSUES OF AIC 1. LAND Golan Heights—Syria Golan Heights—Syria Gaza—Palestinians Gaza—Palestinians Sinai Peninsula—Egypt Sinai Peninsula—Egypt West Bank—Jordan West Bank—Jordan
Issues of AIC 2. Refugees Right of Return Right of Return 3. Jerusalem 3. Jerusalem
The Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem Mount Moriah Rock where Muhammad ascended into heaven.
Via Dolorosa Muslim Quarter The Via Dolorosa is a street that crosses the Muslim Quarter from east to west. It is revered by Christian pilgrims as the route taken by Jesus as he was led to his crucifixion, and is the setting for religious processions.
Dome of the Rock Built in the 7th century, this beautiful blue-and-gold shrine houses the rock from which the Prophet took his Night Journey into heaven. The rock is also associated with Abraham's near- sacrifice of Isaac.
Chapel of the Ascension Chapel of the Ascension Chapel of the Ascension Both a Christian and Muslim holy site, this Crusader-era chapel marks the spot where Jesus ascended into heaven after his resurrection. His footprint is imprinted in the floor Chapel of the Ascension