HQ USPACOM Integrated Operations Training WJTSC 10-1 (U) Col S. Scott Davis Director, Training and Exercises USPACOM J7 2 April 2010 This brief is classified:


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Presentation transcript:

HQ USPACOM Integrated Operations Training WJTSC 10-1 (U) Col S. Scott Davis Director, Training and Exercises USPACOM J7 2 April 2010 This brief is classified: UNCLASSIFIED

How USPACOM Accomplishes Integrated Ops Training Define JMET Integrated Ops Requirements DRRS/JTIMS/FAAR Assessments Joint Training Plan (JTP) Directs Integrated Ops objectives Execute JELC Requirements Plan Assessment Execute Train Multinationally - Develop relationships with multinational partners through training and engagement Incorporate a Whole-of-Government approach to training - Incorporate USG IA participation in the execution of training and exercises - Seek participation with international institutions and NGOs Terminal Fury (TF) Directive Specifies Exercise Objectives Interact with the IA to execute a Comprehensive DIME-FIL approach to achieve unified action Interact with IA to establish roles and supporting requirements to USPACOM JTS CDR USPACOM’s #1 Priority CPX Exercise We use the Joint Training System (JTS) We Plan Training Objectives & Strategy We Execute the JELC to Train We Assess our Training Defense Readiness Reporting system (DRRS) Joint Training Information Management System (JTIMS) Theater Security Cooperation Management Information System (TSCMIS) Joint Assessment and Enabling Capability (JAEC) Exercise After Action - Facilitated After Action Report ( FAAR) - Commander’s Summary Report (CSR) USPACOM Joint Training Plan (JTP) FY10-13 Assessment Programs 1

UNCLASSIFIED Status of Integrated Operations JMETS Joint Mission Essential Task (JMET) ST Establish & Coordinate Training of Joint and Combined Forces - Specific IA and Mutinational training JMETS require development Potential JMETs for development from Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) SN Conduct Joint, Multinational, interoperability and Interagency Training of Assigned Forces SN 8 Foster Multinational/interagency Relations ST 8.5 Integrate Military ops with Regional Interagency Activities ST Establish Joint Interagency Coordination Group (JIACG) to facilitate Interagency Activities 2

UNCLASSIFIED Integrated Operations Training Requirements CDRUSPACOM dictated Interagency/Multinational Collaboration objectives in TF: Interact with the NSC (POTUS, SECDEF, SECSTATE) to inform and support their decision cycle and communicate their direction Interact with the IA to provide options that support Comprehensive DIME-FIL Approach and National Policies USPACOM J7 Joint Interagency Training Specialists (JIATS) requests Interagency participation via JS through JTIMS Bring IA into the JELC process early on to determine appropriate level of participation Increased use of IA representatives in the Joint Exercise Control Group (JECG) Inclusion of the IA in a Training Audience role in addition to an evaluation role Increase the participation of the PACOM JIACG for all major CPX exercises 3

UNCLASSIFIED USPACOM Synchronization with other USG Agencies USPACOM reorganization created J9 “Pacific Outreach Directorate” J91 Joint Interagency Coordination Group (JIACG) –Establish collaborative relationships w/ other USG Agencies and Departments to facilitate the support for USPACOM actions/strategy J92 Public-Private Partnership –Promote & develop dynamic partnerships w/the public and private sectors J93 Legislative Affairs –Advise the Commander on congressional interest items affecting USPACOM J94 Washington Liaison Office –Expand relationships with IA and NGOs w/in National Capital Region (NCR) USPACOM J9 executes Integrated Ops Training JIACG sponsors periodic forums to bring an IA perspective to the USPACOM Joint Staff Most recent forum “Whole of Government and the Role of the DOD” –Participants included: CIA, FBI, STATE, USAID/OFDA Briefs IA roles and responsibilities at the PACOM newcomer’s Orientation Program 4

UNCLASSIFIED USPACOM Coordination with Partner Nations Militaries and Governments; and IHC Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) promotes partnerships with MPAT nations (31 nations – militaries & governments) with interests within the Asia-Pacific region and with the International Humanitarian Community (IHC) by improving multinational interoperability and readiness to facilitate the rapid and effective execution of multinational operations MPAT focuses on integrated operations that synchronizes, coordinates, and/or establishes cooperative activities among nation’s governments, militaries and IHC. USPACOM MPAT team synchronizes events periodically with nations to: Develop CTF HQ procedures for Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) with MPAT nations Conduct Tempest Express (TE) MNF workshops focused on a multinational crisis response which includes MPAT nation’s militaries, interagencies and the IHC (International Organizations, Non- Governmental Organizations, UN funds-agencies-programmes, and Red Cross / Red Crescent movement) Participates within USPACOM multinational exercises with MPAT nations MPAT Coordinates Intergovernmental and IHC cooperation Venues: ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), UN Conferences, and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Conferences Fruits of MPAT efforts with the MPAT nations: Ability to respond to real world crisis - UNIFIED ASSISTANCE (Tsunami Relief) / CARING RESPONSE (Cyclone – Burma) -Improved nation capabilities for Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief -Improved interoperability with the region’s militaries, governments, and IHC 5

UNCLASSIFIED USPACOM Coordination with International Organizations (IO) USPACOM supports the Department of State (DOS) Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) Strategy: Establish regional capacity to train and sustain UN Peacekeepers for worldwide deployment Asia-Pacific goal: Enhance international capacity to effectively conduct UN and regional Peace Support Operations (PSOs) by building partner country capabilities to train and sustain peacekeeping proficiencies; increasing the number of capable military troops and formed police units (FPUs) available for deployment; and facilitate the preparation, logistical support, and deployment of military units and FPUs to PSOs PACOM roles and responsibilities: –Coordinate with Country, US Mission, DOD, DOS, UN –Resource training with military personnel and subject matter experts (SME) (contractors, government civilians, UN, NGOs) –Coord with the Offices of Defense Cooperation (ODC), Center for Civil-Mil Relations (CCMR) from Naval Post Graduate School (NPS) for academic courses

UNCLASSIFIED Conclusions CDRUSPACOM’s guidance has raised the bar and requires interaction with the NSC (POTUS, SECDEF, SECSTATE) to inform and support NSC decision cycle The recent USPACOM reorganization and creation of the J9 Pacific Outreach Directorate has breathed new life into the JIACG and prompted IA training forums for the benefit of the HQ USPACOM staff Interagency JMETL development will require research and feedback from the USPACOM Directors The addition of the Joint Interagency Training Specialist (JIATS) to the PACOM J7 has facilitated a robust infusion of IA participation in the PACOM CPX exercise training audience USPACOM Pacific Joint Training Strategy (PJTS) FY desired end state: –All forces, including key Service HQ staffs, trained to operate in the Joint Whole- of-government and Multinational environment 7