Exploring Web Page Design
What is a Web Page? A web page is a multimedia file which can be stored on a web server. It can include text, graphics, hypertext links, video and audio files. Sample Web Page
What is a Web Site? A web site is a collection of web pages created for the Internet. The primary page is called the home page. Usually when someone accesses a web site, the home page will be the first page seen. Additional pages of information related to the home page will be hyperlinked to the page. Hyperlink – using text or graphic to jump from one page to another or page to another web site
Using a URL to Access a Web Page URL – Uniform Resource Locator - the web address Use http built into Web browser or Internet protocol. Domain name of computer or Web server where the Web page resides. Pathname of folder on the Web site. Type of Internet organization or Internet domain.
Equipment/Software/Skill Needs to Author a Web Page 1.Basic computer skills 2.Access to a personal computer 3.Access to the Internet 4.Tools to create the page HTML Authoring Software ( FrontPage, Word, etc.) OR Knowledge of HTML or Java Script
Advantages of Publishing on the Web! 1.Provides a global outreach to an international market 2.Provides a low cost method of reaching people 3.Allows immediate updating and/or changing of information 4.Provides access to competitor’s information if published online
Disadvantages of Publishing on the Web $Cost of equipment and Internet provider service. Computer skills to create and publish web page #Number of people actually using the Internet. While the number is growing, there are still many people who do not yet use the Internet. *Cultural differences--If your information is to a specific group of people, you must investigate to be sure this group of people uses the Internet.
How Can Web Pages be Used? Advertising Sales Research Personal Interest
Steps to Creating a Web Page
1. Define Your Objectives Determine your target audience hobby page business related social page cultural page humanitarian other Who do I want to read my page? Determine the reason for your page
2. Design Your Web Page Determine the mood of the page Decide the graphics you will use Create a storyboard of the page Golden Rule in Web Page Design “Small is Beautiful”
Determine the Mood of Your Page Informal for friends Professional for business associates High tech to display your talents
Decide Graphics You Will Use Animated pictures or inline images Large pictures take time to load Beware of copyrighted material--ask permission to use Quality NOT quantity Allow 10 seconds maximum time to load Convert pictures to GIF or JPG format--these are smaller files and will load faster Do NOT “over do”
Create a Storyboard of the Page Decide size and type fonts to be used –Text, fonts, and color should add value to the page Use spell check--An error speaks volumes to the reader Remember your goal--Make the visitor want to return to your page or recommend it to someone else.
Sample of a Storyboard for a Web Page My Family Father Mother FatherMother Grandparents Home Page Links
3. HTML or Web Editor WHICH TO USE? –HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) — language that involves the use of tags to instruct the browser on how to display the document. The tags format your web page. Save file with a.html extension to create a web page –Web Editor/Authoring Software- allows you to create similar to using a word processor or desktop publishing program. When you save the document, the program will convert the file to.html code. Examples include the following: Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Word FrontPage
4. Construct Your Page Starter tags –html code –heading –title –body Add enhancement –Graphics –links –lists –rule lines –colors Save and preview your web page in a browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.
5. Find Space on a Web Server to Publish Your Page Locate space on a web server –Internet Service Provider –Free space provider Example: awardspace.com, 110mb.com, freewebpage.org Search the Internet for other Web servers that offer free space
6. Publish Your Web Page on the Server Publishing – copying web pages and other files to a web server FTP – File Transfer Protocol – transferring files from one computer to another (or server) Browser – program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the WWW Download – receiving files to your computer from another computer Upload – copying files from your computer to another computer Web Server – computer that holds the files for one or more sites
7. Test Your Page View your page from a computer other than the one you used to create the page to ensure that all files were transferred to the web server. View the page through several browsers to ensure that it does not become distorted in one browser. Check for the time it takes your page to load. Users do not want to wait.
8. Fine Tune Your Page Publishing a Web page is an ongoing procedure. You must update your page on a regular basis. Correct any errors you find Consider including a page counter to record the number of “hits” your page has received.
Just a Word of Caution! Never Put the Following on a Web Page! Your full name Your address Your telephone number Any information that would allow someone to reach you in person