3 TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOLS RECAPITALIZATION BACKGROUND In 2008, a Decision was taken to recapitalized Technical High Schools The Minister of Education convened a meeting of principals of Technical High Schools in the country Purpose of meeting was: –To understand the challenges that faced the Technical High Schools –To determine ways in which the Technical High Schools could contribute to the training of young people in the technical subjects for improvement of skills development. It was on that meeting where the Minister of Education announced her commitment to support the re-capitalization of Technical High Schools to modernize their infrastructure and workshop machinery.
To improve the conditions of Technical High Schools andmodernize them to meet the teaching requirements of learners in the technical fields and increase the number of suitably qualified and technically skilled graduates from these schools. 4 STRATEGIC GOAL
GRANT PURPOSE Building workshops at technical schools to support the technical subject offerings. Refurbishing or re-designing workshops at technical schools to comply with safety laws and regulations, and to meet minimum industry standards. Buying and installing new machinery and equipment consistent with the technical subjects offered in technical schools. Training and up-skilling teachers at technical schools in line with new trends, practical skills, and development in their technical subjects Schools should have a minimum of 800 learners where possible. Schools to be selected should be offering at least 3 technology subjects unless a new school would be proposed in a district without a technical school. The Province should ensure that there is at least a technical school to be recapitalized in each district. The Province should map selected schools to ensure broad coverage and promote access and expansion of the curriculum 5
SELECTED SCHOOLS IN THE PROVINCE Selection of schools was done by the Department of Basic Education in collaboration with the Province. The total number of schools in the province is 24 Number of schools per district: –Capricorn = 6 –Greater Sekhukhune = 7 –Mopani = 4 –Vhembe = 4 –Waterberg = 3 6
ALLOCATION TRENDS Started in 2010/11 with an allocation of R 8, 479 million Increased to R 26, 7 million in the 2012/13 financial year and to R 28, 169 million and R 29, 802 million in the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years respectively 7
BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 2011/12 The 2011/12 allocated fund was divided into the four outputs of the grant as follows: Building of new workshops = R10, 4 million Refurbishment of existing workshops = R6,6 million Equipment = R 8,95 million Training of Teachers = R1,5 million Accruals for 2010/11 : Roll over = R 0, 468 m 8 PeriodBudgetReceivedSpentVarianceRolled over 2010/11R 8, 479 mR 2, 968 mR 2, 5 mR 0, 468 m 2011/12R 27, 918 m R 11, 043 mR16,875R 9, 485 m
UNDER SPENDING EXPLANATIONS VARIANCEROLLED OVERUNCOMMITTED FUNDS R16,875R 9, 485 mR 7,390 m o Roll Over o Invoices received but not paid at year end due to section 100 payment processes. o Uncommitted Funds o All Supply Chain Management Processes were stopped when the department was placed under section 100(1)(b). - LTSM(R3,8m). The section 100 administration could not process other invoices because of on going investigations around the service provider as a result the service provider could not process the LTSM orders. - Equipment (R3,5m). The Department advertised,evaluated, adjudicated and recommended the appointment of the service provider. The appointment could not be effected. 9
STRATEGIC GOAL, PURPOSE & OUTCOMES Strategic Goal –To improve the participation and performance of learners in Mathematics and Physical Science in line with the National Strategy for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (NSMSTE) Purpose –To promote Mathematics and Physical Science teaching and learning –Improve learner performance in Mathematics and Physical Science in line with Action Plan to 2014 –Improve teachers’ content knowledge of Mathematics and Physical Science Outcome –Continually increased performance of Mathematics and Physical Science learning and teaching in underprivileged schools 11
TARGETED OUTPUTS IN 2011/12 Procure up to 7 textbooks for each learner in Grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 to address shortages Procure mobile science laboratories and science kits for schools. Procure Mathematics kits for schools. Procure Mathematics, Physical Science and English FAL teaching and learning software for schools Train teachers on content knowledge in Mathematics, Physical Science and English First Additional Language (FAL). Distribute diagnostic tools to assess, measure and address learning and teaching deficiencies in Mathematics, Physical Science and English FAL Develop the capacity of principals in Dinaledi schools Train Grade 8, 9 and 10 learners for participation in Mathematics and Science Olympiads 12
SELECTION OF SCHOOLS There are altogether 51 Dinaledi Schools in the Province. These schools were selected by the Province in collaboration with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) using the DBE selection criteria. Schools per districts are as follows: 13 DistrictNumber of Schools Capricorn16 Mopani6 Sekhukhune6 Vhembe20 Waterberg3 TOTAL51
ALLOCATIONS TRENDS Started in 2011/12 financial year with allocation of R 7, 140 million Increases to R 10, 169 million and R 10, 727 million in the 2012/13 and 2013/14 financial years respectively 14
Total amount for the 2011/12 Financial Year = R Each output is allocated an amount as is the case in the following Table: Performance PeriodBudgetReceivedSpentVarianceRolled over 2011/12R 7, 140 mR 4, 998 mR 0, 607 m (12%) R 6,533mR 4, 221 m 15 OutputAllocation Procurement of textbooksR Procurement of Science kitsR Procurement of Mathematics kitsR Procurement of softwareR Teacher trainingR Capacity development of principalsR Training of learners on OlympiadsR TotalR BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 2011/12
UNDER SPENDING EXPLANATIONS o Roll Over o Invoices received but not paid at year end due to section 100 payment processes. o Uncommitted Funds o All Supply Chain Management Processes were stopped when the department was placed under section 100(1)(b). –LTSM(R2,312m). The section 100 administration could not process other invoices because of on going investigations around the service provider as a result the service provider could not process the LTSM orders. –The administration of section 100 led to disapprovals (e.g., withdrawal of permission to secure services from the appointed service provided for LTSM) and late approvals of the planned activities. No clear procedures on how to procure when working with the appointed service provider on learning and teaching support material (LTSM) The introduction of Section 100 (1) (b) of the Constitution of South Africa which led to the following: Disapprovals (e.g., withdrawal of permission to secure services from the appointed service provided for LTSM) and late approvals of the planned activities. 16 VARIANCEROLLED OVERUNCOMMITTED FUNDS R 6,533mR 4, 221 mR2,312m
2012/13 PLANS Business plans has been developed,submitted and approved. 17