INTRODUCTION Mathematics is one of the subjects which help in the economic / technological development world wide In Namibia mathematics is one of the subjects considered difficult and thus only few pursue the subject up to tertiary level Students enter junior secondary phase without having mastered all the basic competences required and by the end of junior secondary level only few opt for extend level mathematics Based on the Japanese approach of lesson study l would like to try and use the approach to improve teaching/learning in our country
PROJECT GOAL To equip and empower primary mathematics teachers with necessary skills which enables the development of positive attitudes to stimulate better teaching and learning using lesson study Teachers gain confidence I teaching Mathematics More learners take mathematics at extended level in Junior secondary
Poor performance in mathematics at the end of primary education Poor teaching methods Insufficient instructional skills Lack of teaching/ Learning materials Lack of confidence in teachers Inadequate sharing of teaching experience Inappropriate evaluation
Objective analysis More learners opting for extended mathematics at junior Secondary phase Adequate sharing of teaching experience LESSON STUDY Sufficient instructional skills Improved Teacher confidence ImprovedImproved Improved performance at the end of primary education Better teaching methods Inappropriate evaluation Lack of teaching/ learning materials
Outline Overall Goal More learners doing mathematics on extended level from junior secondary through to tertiary education Project purpose To introduce the idea of lesson study in Namibia Out put High quality lessons and improved teaching methods Improved learning Activities Introduce the idea of lesson study to the HQ and form a working group Select at least two schools and establish training needs of teachers Introduce the idea of lesson study to the schools
What is lesson study? Form of professional development Study or examination of teaching practice Part of school-based form of in-service professional development where teachers work on important school goal that is normally guided by the school’s mission statements [Fernandez, C and Yoshida, M, (2004)]
Purpose of lesson study To enable teachers to work together, share ideas, experience, instructional skills To enable teachers to identify shortcomings in the curriculum and discuss about them To enable teachers to critically analyze the quality of teaching and learning materials Helps teachers improve on their teaching skills as they get advice from others
Advantages of lesson study Provides teachers with opportunities to: - Make sense of educational ideas within their practice - Change their perspectives about teaching and learning -Learn to see their practice from the child ’ s perspective - Receive support from their colleagues - Receive support from their colleagues
Plan of operation ActivitiesTargetTMIAMMJNJGASONDJF In charge Implement ers Materials/ Equipmen t Cost 1. Introduce the idea of lesson study to supervisors and colleagues PQA, NIED, PAD PQA staff 2. Form a working group, conduct a familiarizatio n workshop to develop strategies PQA, NIED, PAD PQA PC, OP, Paper 3. Ascertain the needs of teachers at selected schools through school visits Khomas RO, Principal s and teachers PQA PQA, NIED, PAD Transport, questionn aires
ActivitiesTargetTMIAMMJNJGASONDJF In charge Implemente rs Materials/ Equipment Cost 4. Develop observation instrument training materials by working with Khomas regional office PQA, NIED, PAD, Khomas RO PQA staff PQA, NIED, PAD, Khomas RO PC, OP, PaperTransport 5.1. Workshop To introduce the idea to the school staff Principals, teachers at selected primary schools PQA Working team PC, OP, Paper 5.2. Train principals Head teachers how to conduct lesson study at school Principals, Heads of departmen t PQA staff Working team, Khomas RO PC, OP, Paper (training material) Transport
ActivitiesTargetTMIAMMJNJGASONDJF In charge Implement er Materials/ Equipment Cos t NoOf parti cipa nts 6. Implement lesson study to selected schools Principals, teachers, Learners of selected schools PQA, Khomas RO Working team, Khomas RO, School Man. Lesson observatio n instrument, Transport etc. 7. Monitor the process, through visits, meeting and give advice Principals, teachers at selected schools PQA Working team Transport, paper etc. 8. Conduct interviews with learners, teachers, RO etc Principals, teachers, Learners of selected schools PQA PQA< NIED, PAD, Transport questionn ares
ActivitiesTargetTMIAMMJNJGASONDJF In charge Implement er Materials/ Equipment Cos t NoOf parti cipa nts 9. Compile a report and make recommend ations to the PS depending on the result of the pilot programme PQA, PAD, NIED PQA PCs, OVP, paper
Challenges New idea to the country Finance Convincing the stakeholders
THANK YOU Maureen Mwanamwali NAMIBA