Basic about school system Elementary school: classes I – VI Sciences integrated in one subject Computer science is optional subject Elementary school: classes VII – VIII Biology, Chemistry, Phisics – separate subjects Computer science is optional subject Secondary schools: Biology, Chemistry, Phisics – separate subjects At least 1 year of compulsory Computer science
Governmental project In last several years all Croatian schools have 8-computer classrooms, as minimum standard Majority of schools, have Internet connection - the computer classroom on Internet
Issues – questions: Proper usage of computer classrooms No. of computers per student Students search on Internet outside science classes Science teachers’ ICT literacy Learning software for Sciences and Environmental education are not developed
Non-compulsory education forms Out of various non-compulsory programs and projects in which our schools are involved on voluntary bases, this review will focus on two: E-school The GLOBE program
E - school E-school is joint program of Croatian Academic Research Network (CARNet), Science Faculties and schools Schools that are involved, work on science research projects and they can post the questions, via to related science specialists E-school has its web site, which besides interaction of students and teachers with scientists provides many interesting information in the field of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Ecology as well as related links.
GLOBE implementation started in Issues: How to connect schools? Proper usage of Internet? Is 1 computer on Internet enough for GLOBE group in the school? Many teachers had NO previous training for ITC usage Many students were attracted to GLOBE because of ITC and more skilled then teachers
Outcomes Hundreds of teachers were trained, not just how to use GLOBE web pages, but also how to make their own web pages and how to prepare presentations.
Outcomes GLOBE program is offering one of the most interesting educational sources on Internet, suitable to be used in many subject areas, as well as in Computer Science teaching
Outcomes Students use GLOBE data and research methods in preparing individual research papers as the part of final exams or for national competitions in advanced knowledge within science subjects, geography and Computer science.
Croatian GLOBE Annual Conferences Students’ presentations on GLOBE implementation within their schools Presentations of research projects, based on GLOBE data and related sources of information, as well as the projects aimed on public awearness raising Science, Geography and Computer Science teachers work together with student groups, applying the model of team teaching
Conclusions Computer assisted and e-learning is not systematically supported and organized. On individual bases, our students often show high achievements. That could be related to individual teachers’/ schools’ efforts, which are in most cases the result of participation in special extracurricular programs, such as GLOBE.
Conclusions Students’ computer skills are often acquired in different forms of non-formal education, which often takes place out of school. In order to make the school more attractive for students and more efficient by modern technologies usage, systematical teacher training is needed, starting with pre-service teacher education, as well as intensive in- service training.
Conclusions In reformed Croatian school the issue of Computer Science as separate subject in relation to ICT usage in all subject areas, as well as economically rational and long-term approach to supplying schools with necessary equipment, should be carefully considered.