Pay special attention to crucial steps, work pace and actual effect Pay special attention to crucial steps, work pace and actual effect Introduction of the first economic census in Anhui province Yongguo Qian Director of Census Center of Anhui Statistcal Bureau Vice-director of Anhui Economic Census Office July, 2005
The satisfactory result of Anhui economical census is due to the fact that we pay special attention to the crucial steps and the pace of the work and hence get a good result. The lessons drawn are as follows: Emphasize the fundamental position and leading rule of overall checking, carry out complete checking of all kinds of basic organizations, take stock of economic gross in advance Accurately define categories of industries, clarify relationships within organizations, pack up and establish complete, accurate registering dictionaries Pay special attention to important and difficult points, take corresponding investigation and registering approaches according to different types of census subjects Emphasize the examination and checking of grass-root data, ensure the quality of census grass-root data Effectively arrange data processing and quality spot-checking
P art I. Emphasize the fundamental position and leading rule of overall checking, carry out complete checking of all kinds of basic organizations, take stock of economic gross in advance When implementing the national census scheme, we divided the census into two phases--checking and registering, and we carry them out in an orderly way. Make early preparations Fill out forms first, and then handle them Check quickly, rectify carefully
Part II. Accurately define categories of industries, clarify relationships within organizations, pack up and establish complete, accurate registering dictionaries. After the completion of typing-in the data from 601 and 602 forms, we conducted the checking-up, identification and conversion from checking directory to organization dictionaries of professional census. The procedures are as follows: Directory categorization, industry identification. Situation differentiation Scale and relationship identification
Part III pay special attention to important and difficult points, take corresponding investigation and registering approaches according to different types of census subjects Census registration is to fill out census registration form under the overall supervision and organization according to directories in dictionaries. In different situations, we took some different but effective measures and methods during the implementation. As to enterprises that are above the scale, quota and aptitude grade, census organizations in that city, county or area directly arranged the operation training for those enterprises and assigned census forms, according to the approaches and implementation channels in the current annual bulletin. Statistical personnel and accountants of those enterprises were at the same time census enumerators of their own companies.
As to enterprises that are below the scale, quota and aptitude grade, census enumerators went door to door to register. At the same time, every village, town and street was equipped with 4 census tutors, who were particularly trained to ensure that there was at least one tutor who was familiar with the operation to supervise, settle problems and examine data. This helped to solve the problem of census enumerators professional level. As to Typical survey on individual business, we only have their registration forms filled out. We have conducted model survey in 14 industries to modify census data. The number of self-employed laborers checked out was 1.6 million and the number of those model surveyed was 16,000.
Part IV Emphasize the examination and checking of grass- root data, ensure the quality of census grass-root data The issue of examining and checking grass-root data is related with the final quality of census data and should claim special attention from the very beginning. For this reason, our province took effective measures in the following aspects: Lay down examination and checking standard. Enhance the effective quality control of original data. Inquire and rectify in a timely manner
Part V effectively arrange data processing and quality spot-checking Data processing of economic census in Anhui was carried out in accordance with the policy of macro arrangement, uniform procedure, every level shouldering responsibility and professional processing. Census organizations of all levels typed in and examined the original census forms in appliance with standard data processing process, while provincial census organization re- examined and re-handled the data reported by cities.
Unification of software platform Division of task under the macro-arrangement Overall supervision of organization directories and register dictionaries in every profession
Checking-up of data quality is an important step in census and also a main means to evaluate the quality of census data, to issue census result in a subjective manner and to assess the work in subordinate organizations. Checking-up of data quality is an important step in census and also a main means to evaluate the quality of census data, to issue census result in a subjective manner and to assess the work in subordinate organizations. Spot-check of data quality shows that organizations omission rate and total error rate of main economic indexes accord with the standards of data quality control laid down by the country and the province. The overall quality of economic census data in our province is relatively satisfactory. Spot-check of data quality shows that organizations omission rate and total error rate of main economic indexes accord with the standards of data quality control laid down by the country and the province. The overall quality of economic census data in our province is relatively satisfactory.