Improvement of the Urban Security and Defense Through the Implementation of Advance Detection Sensors System (USEAID) Assoc. Prof. Kiril Stoychev, PhD, Eng. Valeri Panevski April 16, 2013, Sofia Seminar ” Development of a model for decision making at a situation of multilateral/complex terrorist threat. Development of unified integrated system for effective management against multilateral/complex terrorist threat” ЕUROPIEN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL HOME AFFAIRS With the financial support of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme. European Commission-Directorate-General Home Affairs
Content: 1. Project context. 2. Project objectives. 3. Project implementation capabilities. 4. Expected results. USEAID
Effective protection of critical infrastructure (CI) requires: advanced, intelligent detection and sensor systems for both physical and cyber aspects of CI protection; rapidly and accurately locate and characterize threats against CI, such as acts of cyber or physical intrusion, or the presence of chemicals and/or explosives; to monitor and report the condition of the various nodes (such as power plants and industrial complexes) and links (such as transportation systems and utilities) that form CI networks; sensors must communicate with each other and be deployed at many locations to form a robust network; sensors may take the form of intelligent autonomous software agents that can travel throughout a computing or communications network. USEAID
1.1 Targeted level. - local, national and regional bodies with responsibilities in the areas of risk prevention and CI protection and defence; - CI management body; - manufacturers of sensor devices, developers of software for system operation of the devices; - scientific and educational units. 1.2 Project’s added value. - increasing local, national, regional and European capabilities in the area of defense and security; - enlargement the opportunities for civilian application development; - widening the cost effectiveness by ensuring appropriate business continuity management; - reducing the cost of improving the ecological balance in the region; - creating jobs. USEAID
2. Project objectives EDA priorities. European Defеnce Research and Technology Strategy - 6-th priority ”Command and control technologies (campaign /ops/ mission planning and mgt, battlespace mgt, shared situational understanding, data fusion / mining / reduction, image exploitation, innovative Sensors for Urban Warfare, including acoustic and seismic sensors).” 2.2. Specific objectives. to reduce the response time of Reaction Forces in crisis situation; to achieve an interoperability of different technologies sensing devices; to develop an underwater sensor system model for unauthorized intrusion and contamination by chemical and biological agents; to develop the Urban Search&Resque (USAR) models for CI protection - oil refinery on the sea bank; to create a USEAID Model at the local, national and regional level; to create a prototype of a simulator of the USEAID based on the architectural model. USEAID
USEAID 3. 1 The capabilities needed to successfully implement the project. - prooven ability in the field of sensors and sensor systems - systems and subsystems developed nationally or full participation in the development of European systems on the same topic; - availability of specialized experimental facilities, laboratories and test polygons; - experience on software development and communication and information systems integration; - a long time and rich experience in the USEAID on a national and international level; - experience in developing of new materials and nanotechnologies in the field of materials science; - experience in developing of methodologies and testing; - operational sensors use experience; - simulators development experience; - experience in the field of development of operational procedures and management of sensor systems. 3. Project implementation capabilities.
USEAID 3. 2 The partners on Bulgarian site. IMSETHC-BAS - Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies “Acad. A. Balevski” with Hydroaerodynamics Centre - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The University of Ruse NBU - New Bulgarian University/Foundation for NBU ICB Ltd. - InterConsult Bulgaria Ltd 3.3 The partners on EU site. Advantages of the proposed European partners - Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Romania and UK: - some of these countries have oil refineries near the settlements, such as „Petromidia“, nearby the city of Constanta, Romania; „Lukoil Bulgaria“, nearby the city of Burgas, Bulgaria; IP „Italiana Petroli“, nearby the Falconara Marittima, Italy and „Hellenic Petroleum“, nearby the city of Elefsis, Greece; - all these countries have common necessity to accelerate the development and practical application of modern technical solutions in the field of CI protection; - these countries have extensive experience in the USAR and CI protection, through its participation in international and European projects.
USEAID 4. Expected results. 4.1 Developed models and technological equipment. - state-of-the-art equipment model for USAR Forces for detection and sensing for timely response in crisis situation; - networking of different types sensing devices using interoperable protocols for data collection; - operational sensor systems for underwater in terms of unauthorized intrusion and contamination by chemical and biological agents; - appropriate functioning of USAR models for critical infrastructure protection - oil refinery on sea / river bank; - functional security model for protection of oil refinery by land, including objects (departmental, regional and municipal authorities, schools and kindergartens) located in the city, which is situated nearby refinery; - functional USEAID Model.
USEAID 4.2 Presentation of the developed models and technological equipment Sensors for CI land safety. - -central control station ; - -seismic sensors; - -optical sensors; - -microwave sensors USAR equipment. - -thermal camera; - -acoustic sensors; - -CO2 detectors; - -motion sensors; - -thermal and heat sensors; - -electro- optical sensors; - -radars.
USEAID Security of critical infrastructure MARINE. higher intelligent sensors; advanced communications and information system Software intensive system for Sensor network discovery, visualization, topology analysis and management. dynamic sensor network discovery; dynamic sensor network digital data model generation; sensor network visualization based on the digital data models; sensor network topology filtering and analysis on certain crtierias such as sensor type, sensor model, sensor location and sensor state; sensor location on digital geo location map; sensor configuration and status identification.