2010 Officers Conference Welcome! Process of a Standards Development.


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Presentation transcript:

2010 Officers Conference Welcome! Process of a Standards Development

Jessica Rosiak Joe Ermigiotti Emilie Olcese Standards Editors Tom OToole Staff Manager

Objectives Register a work item review development tools Write a new or revise an existing standard Ballot a standard Review an edited standard Publish a standard

It All Starts With an Idea

Register a Work Item

New Standard Activity Determine if new standard is needed Identify and gather key stakeholders Identify Subcommittee Register a Work Item

Why Register a Work Item? Provides a tracking number, WK5432 Alerts those on the Standards Tracking Service Can be searched on the ASTM website Initiates the ASTM balloting process

Work Item Registration

Revisions Only Register new work item to generate a request for MS WORD file of the latest version of the standard from ASTM International sent to technical contact with a link to the current standard in MS WORD Complete instructions are provided with the file

Confirmation This is an automated alert from ASTM International To the submitter of Work Item WK20670 Confirmation - A New Work Item has been submitted for review. The Work Item information recorded in the database appears below. Please review the information for accuracy. When referring to the Work Item please use the identifier: WK20670 If you need to edit the item, go to: Subcommittee Chairman: Adelbert Vance - Technical Contact: Paula Watkins - Staff Manager: David Bradley - The following information was recorded. ==================================================================== Work Item Type: Revision Revised Standard: D Standard Guide for Use of the Petroleum Measurement Tables Sponsoring Subcommittee: D A Target Ballot Date: 7/2008 Target Completion Date: Months 10/15/2008 to 1/15/2009 Rationale: This revision has been necessitated by the updating of the petroleum measurement tables.

Development Tools

Standard Development Tools: Virtual Meetings Collaboration Area Writing Tools Draft Templates Developmental Editing

Online document viewing and editing during the meeting Arranged through your Staff Manager or through the MyASTM Section of the website Saves time and expenses on meeting face-to- face ASTM uses WebEx Meetings, an excellent vehicle for these meetings Virtual Meetings

Collaboration Area

Writing Tools

Submit your draft in WORD ASTM requests WORD for balloting purposes because it is the most common word processing program. TCO takes your WORD file and converts it to PDF for the ASTM website online balloting area. Developmental editor works directly with you in WORD to develop your draft. Committee editor converts the WORD file into SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) for composition and electronic publishing purposes.

Form and Style for ASTM Standards

On under: Technical Committees Key Documents and Forms Form and Style for ASTM Standards Blue Book Gives guidance and answers to most questions you may have while writing your standard Your editor is available to answer questions you may have about the manual Form and Style Manual

Form and Style Parts A-C describe and define the five types of ASTM standards Test Method, Specification, Guide/Practice, Classification and Terminology Each section provides information on: Mandatory and suggested sections for each type of standard Annexes (Mandatory Information) Appendixes (Nonmandatory information) Footnotes, References, and Summary of Changes

Form and Style Part D describes the use of the Modified Numbering Decimal System or the Point system Information is provided for: Numbering sections and subsections (including Annexes and Appendixes) Numbering of Tables and Figures Numbering of Equations, Notes and Supplementary Requirements

Form and Style Part E describes the use of Terminology in ASTM standards Included is information on: What terms should be defined Use of Symbols, Acronyms and Abbreviations as Terminology Form of a Terminology Standard Each committee should have a main terminology standard

Form and Style Part F covers caveats, legal aspects, and special instructions Included is information on: Caveats: Safety, fire, working document, and professional judgment Patents Source of supply and corresponding footnotes Trademarks Reagents and Materials

Form and Style Part G is the Standards Style Manual Included in this section is: Abbreviations and unit symbols Creating and submitting figures for ballot Table style Spelling of words commonly found in ASTM standards List of Generic vs. trademarked terms References Book, magazines, journals, bulletins, symposium, etc.

Form and Style Part H covers the use of SI units in ASTM standards Included in this section is: Format requirements for standards in SI units Format requirements for standards in Inch-Pound units Units statements for all types of standards SI Only Inch-Pound Combined or dual standard SI units must be included in all standards

ASTM Templates

About ASTM Templates Available at on Technical Committees page under the link Key Documents and Forms Templates for: Test Method, Specification, Guide/Practice, Classification, and Terminology Detailed instructions are provided with the template

ASTM Templates Features Suggested and mandatory headings are provided; mandatory headings are in RED Dialog box prompts to insert Title and Footnote 1 Ability to insert tables, figures and equations Auto Numbering (this is a limited but helpful feature) Layout in one column format for ballot/editing purposes

Template Demonstration

Download Template

Select Template

Screen Snap of Template

ASTM Template Toolbar

Developmental Editor

If you have questions while writing a draft standard or using the template, contact the developmental editor. Developmental editor can be reached by phone or . (Kathy Peters)

Developmental Editing Developmental editor can help you with: Answering questions about the Form and Style for ASTM Standards and how to apply our style to standards Upfront editing of: new revised reinstated standards Assisting with artwork issues

Figures and Artwork Submit clean, readable figures If revising an existing figure for ballot, submit changes to our Developmental Editor TIF, JPG and AUTOCAD formats are acceptable Graphics department will work with what you have Good Quality Figure

Color Figures Only available: PDF Downloads CD version of the Annual Book of Standards Virtual Volumes

Prepare Revison for Ballot

Registering Revisions Register new work item Registering generates a request for MS WORD file of the latest version of the standard from ASTM International An with a link to the WORD TM version of the standard will be sent to the technical contact If you are the technical contact, you will have access to a WORD TM version of the standard on the work item summary page after you log in to MyASTM

Prepare Revision for Ballot Always keep a clean copy of standard Determine the sections that are going to be revised Determine how much context is needed for a revision to make sense to the voter Determine if entire document is to be balloted, or just sections

Example of Ballot Item

Prepare Revision for Ballot Demonstration

Ballot a Standard

Work Item Registration

Submit Item for Ballot

My ASTM Work Items

My ASTM Work Item

My ASTM Work Item Summary

Balloting ASTM has three levels of ballot Subcommittee Main Committee Society Ballots are open for a minimum of 30 days, all ballots are done online

Subcommittee Ballot Ballot item submittal Develop a strategy for considering ballot results Task group chairman calls/ s negative voters before ballot closes Task group may decide to revise draft and reballot before Subcommittee meets

Main Committee Ballot Items that pass subcommittee ballot with no negatives move automatically to main committee ballot Drafts that have been through at least one subcommittee ballot can be balloted at main

Concurrent Sub/Main Ballot During the balloting process: Editor begins working on item with the start of the balloting process Technical contact should contact negative voters while ballot is open in order to resolve the negative Discuss strategy for how to resolve negative votes with your staff manager Contact your staff manager with your negative ballot resolutions

Negative Resolutions Five possible resolutions: Withdrawal Withdrawal with Editorial Changes Persuasive Not Persuasive Not Related

Online Negative Resolutions

While the Standard is Balloting…

The Editor begins the editing process, which includes: Typesetting/converting Word document to SGML Scanning and placing artwork Ensuring the standard matches balloted draft Ensuring that tables and figures are cited and numbered correctly Verifying titles of ASTM standards in the Referenced Documents section and verifying that they are all cited in the text

The Editor will also: Ensure that section and cross-references are correct (for example, See Table 1) Confirm that all mandatory sections are included and in the correct order Review supplier footnotes for compliance with Part F in the Form and Style for ASTM Standards manual While the Standard is Balloting…

Typical Corrections Grammar Typographical errors The editor will ensure that: Certain formats or spellings appear consistently throughout the standard Trademarked terms are replaced with generic terms (for example: Pyrex becomes borosilicate glass) Technical terms are spelled in accordance with ASTM Form and Style. A few of the most corrected terms are: metre and litre

Balloted Item (in Microsoft Word)

Electronic Publishing System (SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language)

ASTM Standard Format (PDF)

New Standard Receives Approval A standard will receive official Society approval on the 1 st and 15 th of the month. Once a standard receives society approval, the editor is notified and prepares the standard for review by the technical contact (reviewer) listed on the ballot. If editorial changes were provided during the balloting process or as the result of negative vote resolution, the editor includes those changes in the standard sent for review.


Review Process The editor s a licensed PDF or redlined PDF of the standard for review. This Will provide a link to the online ballot item. Will note if the Units of Measure statement in the Scope does not follow Form and Style and requires correction.


Redlined PDF

Reviewers Checklist Does the balloted information appears correctly in the printed standard? Did I include editorial changes? Did I review the units of measure statement? Did I answer the editors questions? Typical questions include: Citation of Referenced Documents in the text Addition of Keywords Did I respond by the deadline (or ask for extension, if needed)?

Editorial vs. Technical Changes Editorial changes do NOT change the meaning or intent of a standard and do NOT require balloting. Changes can be made during review process Technical changes CHANGE the meaning or intent of a standard and REQUIRE balloting. Changes must be made on the next ballot

Types of Editorial Changes Reordering sections in accordance with the Form and Style for ASTM Standards Summary of Changes without rationale Updating titles in Referenced Documents Updating footnote information Changing titles in sections, tables, or figures, when justified by text Errors in formatting Errors in typesetting

Types of Technical Changes Adding, deleting, or changing: Any section except Keywords Requirements, values, and equations Mandatory language (shall or in accordance with) with optional language, (may, can, could, or should) Summary of changes with rationale


Final Publication Editor sends final approved document to ASTM website team Within two weeks, standard is available online as a separate The printed Book of Standards is a snapshot of what was completed at the time the book published, but the ASTM website will always have the most updated version of the standard

New Standard (PDF)

Search Features

Active Standard

ASTM Standard PDF Book of Standards CDCompilations Standards Source HistoricalRedline Online Volumes Additional Products

Historical Versions of Standard

Redlined Version

Online VolumesHTML Version

Supplemental Information Online Terminology Dictionary Research Reports Adjuncts

Online Terminology Dictionary

Search Results

Research Reports Contact the ILS department by phone or . Caitlin Farrell, , Caitlin can help you with: Questions about the research report process Formatting using ASTMs research report template Assigning RR number

Research Reports

Adjuncts Adjuncts are pieces of information that are essential to a standard but are too large or of a different format than the printed standard. Blueprints Copper strips Online computer programs/spreadsheets CDs Color figures

Review Objectives Register a work item and reviewed all the development tools available Write a new or revise an existing standard Ballot a standard Review an edited standard Publish a standard

Contact ASTM International Web : phone : / fax :+1 610/ address :ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive PO Box C700 W. Conshohocken, PA USA

Questions? Thank you for Attending!