Dozier Elementary Kindergarten Room C 3 Dear Parent, We are beginning a new school year and I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child. I hope that together we are able to make your child's first school experience a happy and successful one. I am taking this opportunity to tell you some of the things we will be doing at school. I hope to answer some of your questions and encourage you to contact me if you have further questions or problems that occur during the year. I can be reached at school or at home. My home number is PARENT CONFERENCES: Kindergarten teachers schedule conferences three times during the year. The conference are usually held in November, February and May. At that time, you will receive a written report on your child's progress. You may request additional conferences at any time. Just contact me so we can schedule a time.
ALLERGIES OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Please list any allergies or other information you feel I should be aware of on the back of your child's information sheet. See me as needed about special problems. BIRTHDAYS: You can send treats for your child's birthday. We usually have the treats at about 2:30. You can bring the treats any time before 2:30. Please contact me the day before so I can make plans for that day. HOLIDAYS: I will send information about parties before each holiday to let you know what our plans are. NAME TAGS: Please have your child wear the name tag for the first 3 days of school. The name tag helps our school staff to get to know your child's name and it assists the bus driver in getting your child home.
LUNCH MONEY: Lunch money for kindergarten students is collected on Monday for the entire week. The cost is $6.25 per week. You may also pay by the month, semester or year. Please try to pay by check so you will have a record of payment. Put your child’s name and lunch number on the check OR put the money in a sealed envelop labeled with your child's name, lunch number, teacher's name, amount, and what the payment is for. Your child will be asked for his/her lunch number when getting lunch or paying for lunch. The number is listed at the top of the previous page. Please help your child learn his or her number. CANDY & CHIPS: Candy and chip concessions will be opened in the afternoon (weather permitting). The cost of these snacks is $._____. Please send the correct change. If you prefer, you may send a snack from home. BOOK SACKS, PURSES, HATS, COATS, ETC.: To help us keep track of your child's belongings, please write your child's name on coats, hats, purses, etc. brought to school. Self-care and independence will be stressed, so please help your child to learn to zip, button, snap, and put on shoes and coats.
BUSES: If your child is to ride a bus, please help me by discussing rules of bus safety with your child. Discuss the importance of not getting off the bus after the teacher has put the child on the correct bus to go home. WE REQUIRE A WRITTEN NOTE FROM HOME WHENEVER A CHILD IS TO RIDE A DIFFERENT BUS OR IF HE/SHE IS TO BE PICKED-UP INSTEAD OF RIDING THE BUS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES: You should have received a school supply list at preschool round-up or when you registered your child. Please bring the supplies in a bag labeled with your child's name as well as teacher's name when you bring your child to school for testing. You do not have to write names on all supplies just folders, pencil bags, & journals. SUPPLIES & MOTIVATIONAL INCENTIVES: In addition to the supplies, kindergarten teachers are requesting $10.00 to cover the cost of additional materials (Christmas gifts, Mother’s/Father’s Day gifts, art supplies, etc.). Sincerely, Cecile DuBois