The five management tools I created are ▪ The Letter of Introduction ▪ The Contact/Personal Information ▪ The Lunch Selection ▪ The Hall Pass ▪ The Behavior Report These tools will be used in the following manner. The “ Letter of Introduction ” will be sent to the parents of each child approximately 30 days before the start of the school year. It will be used to introduce myself, provide an address in which the parents can contact me with any concerns/questions, and to get contact information on the parents and any personal information on the child that may help to provide a better learning environment. The information gathered from this introduction letter will be compiled on each student to create the “ Contact/Personal Information ” sheet to be used as a reference to better understand each student ’ s needs and strengths over the school year. The next management tool, “ Hot / Cold Lunch ”, will be placed on the white board every morning and will be used in the following manner: When the music starts, each student (one at a time) will go to the board and sign up for the type of meal they will obtain for that day. This will be used to take roll and provide feedback to the cafeteria in order to plan the number of hot meals needed for that day. The “ Hall Pass ” is used to monitor the amount of time a student misses class and determine whether the student needs extra help in any area because of the missed time. The “ Behavior Report ” is used for unruly students who continue to disrupt the class. Parents will only become involved if the need arises.
(Date) Dear Mr. and Mrs. (parent ’ s name), I am writing this letter to introduce myself and provide you with my contact information. I would also like to get your contact information and some personal information on (student ’ s name). My name is Dale Brown. I am a third grade teacher at (school ’ s name) and I will be (student ’ s name) teacher during the upcoming school year. If you have any questions/concerns, it is very easy to reach me via . My address is (current e- mail account). I am compiling contact information on the parents in order to get in touch with you, if necessary, during the school year. Please provide the following information: Home phone number Work phone numbers Mobile phone numbers addresses Also, I would like you to provide some personal information on (student ’ s name) such as his/her likes, dislikes, hobbies, academic strengths and weaknesses, and any disabilities (student ’ s name) may have. This will help me to have a better understanding of (student ’ s name) and strive to provide the best learning environment possible to make this a very successful school year for (student ’ s name). I want to thank you for your cooperation in this matter and assure you this information will be kept confidential. No one will have access to this information except me. Sincerely, Dale Brown
Contact / Personal Information School Year:Teacher:School: Student Name:Address:Home Phone Number: Father's Name:Work/Cell Phone: address: Mother's NameWork/Cell Phone: address: Likes / Dislikes / Hobbies Academic Strengths / Weaknesses: Abilities / Disabilities: Student Name:Address:Home Phone Number: Father's Name:Work/Cell Phone: address: Mother's NameWork/Cell Phone: address: Likes / Dislikes / Hobbies Academic Strengths / Weaknesses: Abilities / Disabilities: Student Name:Address:Home Phone Number: Father's Name:Work/Cell Phone: address: Mother's NameWork/Cell Phone: address: Likes / Dislikes / Hobbies Academic Strengths / Weaknesses: Abilities / Disabilities:
______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ COLD LUNCH HOT LUNCH
Hall Pass Time Out: ____________ Date: ____________ Time In: ____________ Reasons Office _____ Principal _____ Vice Principal _____ Counselor _____ Nurse _____ Restroom _____ Other _____
Behavior Report Name ___________________________________ Date __________________ Incident _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Rules Broken _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Consequences _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher's Decision ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ How to keep this from happening again ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ If this happens again, consequences ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Teacher ___________________________________ Date ________________ Student ___________________________________ Date _________________ Parent ____________________________________ Date _________________