1 National Math + Science Initiative (NMSI) Briefing for Georgia Charter System Foundation Board of Directors Gregg Fleisher, Chief Program Officer Marcus S. Lingenfelter, Executive Director of State Relations
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4 44 NMSI – Who We Are, What We Do and How We Do It NMSI prepares students for success by building rigorous academic foundations in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Prepare and engage students to develop strong interests in STEM fields Increase annual STEM majors from 900,000 in 2012 to 2 million by 2025 Increase STEM graduates from 375,000 annually in 2012 to 750,000 by 2025 Transform schools into centers of college readiness Increase the number of qualifying math/science AP exams from 440K in 2013 to 1.5M by 2025 o African-American: 13,000 to 150,000 o Hispanic: 35,000 to 500,000 Increase classroom rigor in math, science and English by training 100K teachers by 2025 Produce and retain content- rich teachers Produce 25,000 STEM teachers by 2025 Keep NMSI teachers in the classroom at a rate 20% higher than the national average Note: Italics indicate future work. NMSI identifies effective, efficient programs, creates replication protocols to ensure fidelity, and then takes them to scale.
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6 NMSI Military Families Program O’Donnell Foundation Thanks to the partners listed below, NMSI’s Comprehensive AP Program is being implemented this year in 75 PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS serving a high percentage of military families across 18 STATES, with the goal of ultimately reaching a network of 200 MILITARY IMPACTED SCHOOLS. 6
7 7 NMSI Comprehensive AP Program Sites 575 Sites in 22 States & District of Columbia
8 8 NMSI Makes a Dramatic Difference in One Year Average First Year Increase in Passing AP scores for U.S. and NMSI Schools
9 NMSI Continues to Sustain Results Average Three Year Increase in Passing AP scores for U.S. and NMSI Schools 9
10 AP Increases Minority Student Achievement Qualifying scores in math, science, and English have increased 40 times in 18 years in participating Dallas ISD schools. First Year of AP Program Chart shows qualifying scores for African-American and Hispanic students in math, science, and English in 10 DISD incentive schools.
11 NMSI is Transforming Schools Comprehensive AP Program We transform schools with a comprehensive approach that increases teacher effectiveness and student achievement through training, teacher and student support, vertical teaming, open enrollment, and incentives. The program dramatically increases the number of students taking and passing AP math, science, and English exams, and expands access to traditionally under-represented students. 11
12 Extra training for teachers Expert resources More time on task for students Financial incentives for students, teachers, and administrators Measurement and accountability Elements of Success The Breakdown
13 Elements of Success Extra Training for Teachers AP Teacher Summer Institute (APSI) Training - AP Teachers attend 5-day training sessions prior to the first year of the program and in subsequent summers during the program years. Support of AP teachers - AP Teachers receive constant support provided by content experts who have achieved AP success. Training for pre-AP teachers - NMSI trains teachers in grades 3-11 for four days during the summer for three consecutive years to increase rigor in their classroom to build the pipeline of students ready for AP. Teachers who attend this training also have robust online resources and lessons. Two-Day Conferences in the fall for AP teachers - AP Teachers attend 2-day teacher trainings during the school year to reinforce summer training. Mock Exam Training. 13
14 Elements of Success Expert Resources Access to the most current and effective materials: Instructive materials include AP Course information, AP Exam information, teaching resource materials, curriculum modules, articles and monographs. Online resources : The NMSI Teacher Portal: Each subject has a separate section for teachers with details regarding successful implementation of AP programs, targeted toward the most important information for increased achievement on AP exams. The UT Homework System: An extensive knowledge bank of over 60,000 questions and answers covering Math, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Physics that provides a user-friendly, formative assessment system that allows teachers to customize their instruction and homework assignments toward a student’s individual learning needs. 14
15 Elements of Success More time on task for students Saturday Study Sessions: The AP program model includes at least three AP extracurricular study sessions per subject, which are held on Saturdays and are led by state and national AP experts who conduct the teaching while the students’ school teachers observe. Extra Tutoring Sessions: Students receive after-school tutoring conducted by their AP program school teachers, at a minimum of 40 hours per teacher per year. 15
16 Elements of Success Financial Incentives Teacher Incentives + $100 for each student who appears on their rosters and receives a qualifying score on the AP exam. + $1,000 bonus based on certain AP exam passing thresholds for their class. + $500 for attending training sessions and for the extra work they contribute because of the program. Student Incentives + Exam Fees – total paid for low income students / half paid for all other students + $100 for each passing AP Exam. Administrator Incentives + $3,000 bonus based on the school meeting pre-determined AP exam passing thresholds. School Incentives + $5,000 annually, plus $25 per enrolled AP math, science, and English student for equipment. All incentives are for math, science and English only. 16
17 Fall, 2013Schools attend a webinar to learn more about the program November, 2013Interested Schools submit an RFP to NMSI November - January, 2014School Site Visits/Goals are set February, 2014Schools sign Letter of Agreement March, 2014Students sign up for AP classes in the fall Spring, 2014AP MSE teachers register on NMSI Teacher Website and UT Homework System Summer, 2014AP teachers attend an APSI Summer, 2014Pre-AP MSE teachers plan to attend 4 days of LTF training Summer, 2014Equipment is ordered August, 2014Kickoff for program August, 2014AP MSE teachers are given individual agreements which delineate monies to be received August, 2014AP Teachers will have available national content experts at their disposal throughout the school year September/October, 2014First of 4 vertical Team Meetings occur October, 2014AP Teachers attend 2-day AP training October, 2014Students take PSAT December 2014/January, 2015Mock English exams January, 2015Start recruiting students into AP classes for fall, 2013 March/April, 2015Mock Math and Science exams January - May, 2015Saturday Student Study Sessions - 3 per subject May, 2015Students take AP Exams Summer, 2015AP teachers attend an APSI July, AP results are received August/September, 2015Payments to teachers and students are made Cycle repeats through the School year AP Program Ideal Grant Timeline 17
18 Phase III: Will you help us expand further? Approximate Average Annual Cost Per Site Average Impact Total Program Cost Average Cost per student over three years $167,000 per site, per year, over three years 2000 students $500K$250 NMSI AP PROGRAM COST For One high School with Feeder Pattern(s) Week-long Summer Training for all AP math, science, and English Teachers Week-long Summer Training for AP math, science, and English Teachers, graded 3-11 Two-Day training in the Fall for all AP math, science, and English Teachers Mock Exam grading and training for all AP math and science teachers Online resources for all math, science, and English teachers, grades 3-12 Student Study Sessions for all AP math, science, and English students Awards for students, teachers, and administrators based on success AP Exam fees for all AP math, science, and English students PSAT Exam fees for all 10th graders Equipment and supplies in math and science courses Program Management
19 National Math + Science Initiative (NMSI) 8350 North Central Expressway Suite M-2200 Dallas, Texas