“The means through which our needs are met.”
I. Two Types of Production Systems a. Manufacturing: making goods in a workshop or factory. b. Construction: Building a structure on a site.
The Craft Approach: 1.For centuries objects were manufactured by people for their own use. 2.Next people specialized into a trade -candlemakers -tailors -glassblowers -gunsmiths
3.Today some products “custom made” are still produced for individuals.
The Factory System: 1.The Industrial Revolution developed many new machines. 2.This led to businessmen starting factories 3.Factories replaced the craft system in the manufacturing of goods.
Mass Production: 1. The production of goods in large quantities by groups of workers in factories.
2. Assembly Line: the item is moved from one work station to the next. -used jigs and fixtures
1. Produced a larger number of goods at a lower cost. 2. People could afford to buy mass produced products. 3. Provided millions of jobs 4. Unions formed, and child labor laws were passed.
1.Entrepreneur: someone who comes up with a new idea, and uses that idea to make money. Inventors- comes up with a totally new idea. Innovators- improves an existing invention.
1. Market Research is done 2. Research and development 3. Prototype is made 4. Setting up a production line using a flowchart 5. Marketing the product 6. Set up quality control
Automation: Controlling machines automatically. Robotics: Automated machines that are controlled by computers -don’t need coffee breaks -can work 24 hours a day -can do unpleasant work
CAD/CAM: CAD: Computer aided design -used by designers, drafters and engineers. -Can run through a “simulation”, or a series of tests all on computer.
CAM: Computer aided manufacturing -computers are used to control factory machines CAD/CAM: allows a person to create a design on the computer screen, then send it directly to a machine tool, which makes the part.
Computer-integrated Manufacturing (CIM): Computers are used for all business needs -store info about raw materials -set times for the purchase and delivery of materials -report on finished goods -do the billing and accounting
1.The two production systems are manufacturing and construction 2. At first craftsmen made goods by hand, then factories were built, and began using the assembly line. 3. The assembly line divides production into steps, and makes use of standardized parts that are interchangeable
4. The factory system lowered prices, provided jobs, developed unions and child labor laws. 5. Entrepreneurs start new companies,invent new products and improve old ones. 6. Automation has made factories more efficient 7. Robots are used and can do jobs that are dangerous or unpleasant. 8. CAD/CAM and CIM use computers in manufacturing