Double Trouble Doubles, Doubles +1, Doubles +2 Primary Math CCS: 1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten; decomposing a number leading to addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or known sums. Strategies such as doubles, doubles +1 and doubles +2 assist students in fluency when adding or subtracting numbers. Introduce this station material by reviewing the anchor pages. Additional blank card pages have been included to allow the teacher the opportunity to create additional cards. What’s included: □ Task Card in WORD □ Anchor Charts □ Student Activity Cards for self or partner directed work □ Answer Key for self-checking □ Materials Needed: counting cubes, Challenge Question Answer Sheets □ Technology Connection: Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.
Doubles A double is a number that has two addends that are the same. © Innovative Educational Programs = is a double 18 = is a double Is 16 a double? What are the addends? Is 2 a double? What are the addends?
Doubles plus 1 A doubles-plus-1 fact is a double plus 1 more. It has addends that are 1 apart. © Innovative Educational Programs 6 is 1 more than 5. So is 1 more than = = 11
Doubles plus 2 A doubles-plus-2 fact is a double plus 2 more. It has addends that are 2 apart. © Innovative Educational Programs 8 is 2 more than 6. So is 2 more than = = 14
The sum is 20 The sum is 19 xt The sum is 18 The sum is 18 xt The sum is 17 The sum is 16 The sum is 16 The sum is 15 The sum is
The sum is 13 The sum is 12 xt The sum is 12 The sum is 11 The sum is 10 The sum is 9 The sum is 8 The sum is 6 xt The sum is 4 t
Doubles Doubles + 1 Doubles Doubles + 1
Doubles + 2
NumberAnswer Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles + 2 NumberAnswer Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Doubles Answer Key for Double Trouble © Innovative Educational Programs
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