Youth I.T Elites Training Programme By: Group 3 Group Members: Stephanie Chan Cana Leung Jessica Lau Alex Lai.


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Presentation transcript:

Youth I.T Elites Training Programme By: Group 3 Group Members: Stephanie Chan Cana Leung Jessica Lau Alex Lai

Photo of group Cana Alex Jessica Stephanie Robot!

Introduction In this three days,we have built a lot of different kinds of robots, animals and vehicles. Inventing and creating robots are always our favourite thing to do and that will never change. It was the reason for why we joined this camp/programme. We learned how to make a programme to control the robot.It was fun! The phrase “building a robot” had created wondrous, fantastic images inside our heads. We used our communication skills to organize and analyze what we need to do. The functions of machines and robots always fascinate us with wonder. Although there was only one boy in the group, we still cooperate really well.

Video of group 3 RobotSling

Feelings of Stephanie Chan I felt very happy. I have learnt a lot of knowledge.They are very useful.I built a lot of robots and vehicles.They were sometimes difficult to build but interesting.I made a lot of friends.They were always kind and helpful.Mr. Celvin Ng taught us how to solve the problems we faced when making the robots and vehicles. I learned how to make friends with the others easily and learned how to make different parts of robots. Sometimes,me and my group mates had a few arguments, but finally,we solved the problem through expressing our own opinions.

Feelings of Jessica Lau I felt very happy because I learnt how to build robots to do what you want. Also because it was fun trying to build something you have never built before and I like to experiment what I would get if I put different pieces together. Our group leader was Celvin Ng he taught us how to program robots and helped us when we had a problem.Also he is very kind and caring. I might join this class again!

Feelings of Cana Leung Excitement and joy was all that rushed through me. Each and every day, I became more knowledgeable and am willing to participate in more activities and try-outs. My retrogression was rapid throughout these days. My fingers hurt a lot by the difficult steps of creating a robot and were hard to recover. Being interpersonal was easy for me at school, where I know everyone well, but with different people who I don’t normally meet or go out with… there was no way that I can cooperate and work with them without an argument or two.

Sometimes, building a robot was quite easy, except when you don’t have enough equipment and people. On day two, Stephanie and I were building a scorpion robot. There was only two people creating the robot, but four people pulling the legs off and reassemble the Lego pieces up. I watch with a broken heart, as the hard work became a loss.

Alex – 感想 這個復活節假期,感到很開心,我可以參加這個 I.T. 精 英培訓計劃,我和組員合力做了兩種機械人分別有一 架車和機械人,我們也要做一些小測試,我們都算成 功做到每一個小測試的要點,我們在每一個組員都有 Lego 以併的機械人部件。我想在下一次再參加這個 I.T. 精英培訓計劃。

The End Thank you for listening!!!