Lot’s of the year 7’s went to Hanley Forest Park to do orienteering on 26 th March Firstly the different controls had special codes on them. There were dibbers that recorded your score. “It’s a big area to cover and it was easier than the school course. “Quoted by a pupil in Year 7.” Afterwards they we were tired and went back to school.
In Year 7 we were lucky to get a scientific experience at a place called Bibby Scientific. First we got taken on a tour around the factory to find out more about how they make the science equipment we use today. It was interesting to find out all the different people they employ. Then we got to go upstairs to use some of their equipment and find out what they are for. We did PH tests and DNA tests and lots of other experiments.
The big bang fair was an exiting trip about science in every day life. When we got there and explored the big bang fair. There were high school students who showed us projects that they made for their schools. We got lots of opportunities to find out a lot more about everyday science. We also got to watch shows about people’s scientific experiences.
In year seven there is a lot of sports events. Here are a few examples: Cross country Netball Rugby Football Sports hall athletics